TB Lurker
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Thanks BeerBoy I appreciate it. Ya I most definately plan to be a lifer. If they'll let me that is 

Well all just toolin around waiting to go in for my second day. My first night went great. I went with the trainer who turns Chicago (**** I think he said actually) My trainer was really nice and told me alot of good need to know stuff and kept askin if I had any more questions. Alotta times I did. We did have to wait a little while for paperwork. Turns out some of the people in there, thats the worst thing you could ever do is make them wait haha It could not have been more than 1/2 hour and I'll hang out and watch the chaos that is dock operations, beats dragging groceries up steps. My trainer did fill me in on a nice little nugget of information though. Seems like St Louis (064) is moving not only about 30 miles closer to my house, but they're changing status from an end-of-the-line terminal, to a break bulk/hub. He said really, I could not of picked a better time to join up. Apparently the move is to take place this summer and scheduled runs are just suppose to blow up. So if I do decide I want a nice scheduled run maybe I will get the op, and if not least I can cover for them! Well I think I'm gonna make some lunch and hang out with wifey. Be safe all!
Hows everyone else's week goin so far?
What's with all this "trainer" stuff?? When they started me, I went for my road test, came back, took my break, and was out in my own truck that night. They completely threw me to the wolves. I thought it was a "learn when you screw it up" thing. I was never even shown how to break and hook a set.
I'm not complaining though. I wouldn't want to drive a guy around for a week either.:TR10driving03:
According to the ball & chain we do.We get paid on Thursday now?
Well so far this week, I have been sticking around town doing city work. I was assigned a truck. It's an older style International, but it gets the job done. It's not near as noisy or bulky as I had thought, so I'm not worried about it. I'm glad to be working. St Louis is a little low on the p&d manpower so I been helpin out there. I'm not trained yet on the handheld, so I've just been doing bulk stops, and trailer swaps. So its not too bad. They told me today I'll finish out the week in the city, and then next week hit the road. Its not bad, the home time is good and it has not been too stressful, hittin our larger account docks and swappin out trailers. I'm sure if I was full blown city tryin to find the littler places and clunkin around town that would be a different story, but for now not too bad. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the road next week and start cashin in!