Estes | Estes Jockey Position vs FXF Driver Apprentice

If mr wright did a week at the chicago terminal he would change his tune
Nothing like wasting 2-3 hours of your life trying to find an empty or moving a couple of sets to get to your trailer only to have someone drop their set or van in the spot you just cleared out. "They're closing your trailer now." Really means have a seat we're going to make you wait 3 hours for this 2 skid, 900lb trailer. The last time I was in there was a few weeks after Joliet opened up and it seemed a lot better than what it was.
This all depends where you are at, at small Barn's you definitely are not going to walk into a schedule run. FedEx Freight has a whole lot better Linehaul plan that is more Driver friendly. You talk about Xtraboard , that consist of being out a week at a time
And not getting compensated for any wait time. FedEx pays for wait time , fueling, better drop and hook etc. The choice is clear
In my opinion.
So working the dock for years is a better linehaul plan? get out of here.
So working the dock for years is a better linehaul plan? get out of here.
I would rather work the dock than sit and not get paid for my time. Who wants to be out all week away from home really??? If they do , they can't have much of a home life. Yeah, most other companies have developed a better plan with Driver's being home every day. This is the 21st century last time I looked
I would rather work the dock than sit and not get paid for my time. Who wants to be out all week away from home really??? If they do , they can't have much of a home life. Yeah, most other companies have developed a better plan with Driver's being home every day. This is the 21st century last time I looked
Imo I think that’s one of the reasons why Estes (among other companies) have a hard time keeping drivers. I personally know many drivers who worked here and quit because they did not like being gone all week. LTL is not everyone I guess. I, for one, think Estes is a good company but there’s definitely room for improvement—I think they’re slowly headed on the right direction
Imo I think that’s one of the reasons why Estes (among other companies) have a hard time keeping drivers. I personally know many drivers who worked here and quit because they did not like being gone all week. LTL is not everyone I guess. I, for one, think Estes is a good company but there’s definitely room for improvement—I think they’re slowly headed on the right direction
I remember hearing around this time last year that they were going to try to get move to what OD and SOME other companies do with XB drivers, out and back the same night or out, lay down one night and back the next night. I guess that plan fell through.

I know some terminals saw a huge increase in schedule runs so a lot of extraboard guys ended up getting scheduled anyway..I know this wasn't the case everywhere but they are doing something.

One of the costs of keeping costs and debt low is you end up becoming slow at adopting new tech and ways of doing business. While I enjoy working here and dont think estes is at all a third rate company like some others, I'm also not blind to the fact that estes is a little behind the curve. However they do seem to be updating the way they do things.

It may be too slow for some but it's better than nothing. I see it as a way of controlling costs and managing growth and keeping the balance sheet looking good, rather than a company ran by incompetent and/or lazy exec's like some other companies that have been mentioned. We all know these companies who we'd rather never work for.

I still think the managment of estes has the best long term interests of the company at heart. Hell, that move of buying all those YRC terminals and turning around and renting them back to them was brilliant. Another stream of income positively contributing to the balance sheet with little effort involved. I appreciate the fact that the company makes shrewd moves to stay financially healthy while others are in debt up to their eyeballs.
Tractor assignments are to loose on friday night they were spotting with the tractor assigned to me i didnt say a word just shook my head and took a different tractor and went on a traditional two hour rant that i need another f n job then i got over it if there were recuiters by the gate i would of signed on
Tractor assignments are to loose on friday night they were spotting with the tractor assigned to me i didnt say a word just shook my head and took a different tractor and went on a traditional two hour rant that i need another f n job then i got over it if there were recuiters by the gate i would of signed on
I would have went over to the jockey and told him that was my tractor and I've got a run to do.

Having to share your tractor with anyone sucks but its part of the busienss. Yeah Jockeys shouldn't be using road tractors to spot trailers but what are they gonna do if the yard dog is down?
Friday nite 75 percent of tractors will sit parked for two days if anybody cared they would check with dispatch to see if tractor is going out we need a thumb print ignition start system so far in eight years all this company seems to care about is attendance
Tractor assignments are to loose on friday night they were spotting with the tractor assigned to me i didnt say a word just shook my head and took a different tractor and went on a traditional two hour rant that i need another f n job then i got over it if there were recuiters by the gate i would of signed on

Just ask the jockey for the truck, we borrow trucks all the time when yard dogs go down (some of them are older then our dock workers). You ask for the truck, we'll give it up no problem.
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Why would I post on here if I didn't work here? I thought I brought up some good points to consider when choosing between FXF and Estes. Also turnover rate has always been one of the main factors in deciding where to work in trucking. Don't blame me for being mad about how Estes runs it's business. Have you ever heard of not killing the messenger, you might need him to send back a message. Look it, you call me names and then expect to be taken seriously. You act like the way you are managed at this company, Rise above the way Estes lets middle management treat it's drivers. Bunk rooms on schedules, no pay to wait, no pay to fuel, drop and hook pay has been the same for at least 15 yrs, giving line haul runs to hub drivers and making xtra board drivers wait longer for a run, nepotism in the worst way. Keep it up there is more where this came from. Don't tell me to leave Estes, I've earned my run and I'm not leaving. I was responding to a gentleman who was wise to ask questions before he made a decision. You can state your reasons why it's so great and let it stand on it's own, if it has the legs to stand.

NEWS FLASH Most of the terminals are smaller barns. Based on your logic that smaller barns equal smaller runs then most drivers would be better off at FXF getting paid for most of the time spent serving the company. Maybe that's why Estes can't keep drivers at the terminals. Longer runs at the smaller barns would help in my opinion. The bigger terminals can't haul all the freight. MONEY TALKS. Since Estes doesn't pay for time spent then they need to make longer runs at the smaller terminals.
You sound like a bitter old driver. IfEstes was bad why are you still here
Why would I post on here if I didn't work here? I thought I brought up some good points to consider when choosing between FXF and Estes. Also turnover rate has always been one of the main factors in deciding where to work in trucking. Don't blame me for being mad about how Estes runs it's business. Have you ever heard of not killing the messenger, you might need him to send back a message. Look it, you call me names and then expect to be taken seriously. You act like the way you are managed at this company, Rise above the way Estes lets middle management treat it's drivers. Bunk rooms on schedules, no pay to wait, no pay to fuel, drop and hook pay has been the same for at least 15 yrs, giving line haul runs to hub drivers and making xtra board drivers wait longer for a run, nepotism in the worst way. Keep it up there is more where this came from. Don't tell me to leave Estes, I've earned my run and I'm not leaving. I was responding to a gentleman who was wise to ask questions before he made a decision. You can state your reasons why it's so great and let it stand on it's own, if it has the legs to stand.

NEWS FLASH Most of the terminals are smaller barns. Based on your logic that smaller barns equal smaller runs then most drivers would be better off at FXF getting paid for most of the time spent serving the company. Maybe that's why Estes can't keep drivers at the terminals. Longer runs at the smaller barns would help in my opinion. The bigger terminals can't haul all the freight. MONEY TALKS. Since Estes doesn't pay for time spent then they need to make longer runs at the smaller terminals.
There are no perfect company out here. They all have pros and cons. But at the end where all around the same pay scale. OD runs a lot like Estes. Some of the same issues where having there are having. You sound like a bitter old driver. If Estes is so bad why are you still here? WHY let me guess to pay. Even with the wait time not being paid my checks are still great. And I've seen small terminals with big runs as well. It just depends on your rank. When I was with Saia it was the same way. Fed ex and UPS has a lot of short hauls as well because there terminals are so close. And they are saying that they don't get a lot of miles because of it. I researched before coming to Estes. Just because it looks good doesn't mean it is good.that's why you are still here.
Bitter old driver mr Wright you are correct been goin at it more than 25 years will retire in 5 to 7 years thats why i stay years ago one page application cheap physical one two minute interview and you were in now the companys do background investigation credit check three interviews hogan test they act like drivers are applying to be the king of England i will admit that i only look at the bad and you seem to look at the good it mite be pessimist and optimist
Bitter old driver mr Wright you are correct been goin at it more than 25 years will retire in 5 to 7 years thats why i stay years ago one page application cheap physical one two minute interview and you were in now the companys do background investigation credit check three interviews hogan test they act like drivers are applying to be the king of England i will admit that i only look at the bad and you seem to look at the good it mite be pessimist and optimist
That's why we have some Driver's that fall short of looking professional in appearance and attitude.
Some? Just some look and act like big foots? Estes is reaping what it sowed. You aren't gonna like this chicken hawk but it must be said. This company has been around a long time. It has a reputation among drivers who have been around a while for being a starter job. Why you ask? Good question chicken hawk. Bunk rooms, lower pay, dispatchers straight outta lock up, the worst trucks, yards that had moon craters, if you didn't run illegal you wasn't gettin' miles, waiting and waiting and no pay, hotels that made the truck a nice option, district managers that are as cold as ice and will smack you down quick with the good ole boy club. you just had to be here to believe it. Most of it is still around, just not as obvious. Well you see, after time this has a effect on who Estes is able to hire. Estes would get good drivers and they would work for a while and flee this place and tell everybody about it. The vagabonds stayed. Vagabonds piled up to where we are now. We got vagabonds and nepotism that stinks to to high heavens.

Estes seems to wanna turn over a new leaf, I hope they do. I come in every day in uniform clean and shaved smelling good and smilin'. I pray to the Lord above to keep us safe, so we can go home and love on our family and friends. You can call me all the names you want, tell me to leave or whatever you bang your high chair with, ain't gonna change the facts or the truth that I just schooled you with.

Remember what I told ya the next time you see that vagabond walking across the the yard going into the drivers room to stink up the place with his breath and foul language. Estes has been breeding this kind of environment for decades. Most of the good ones moved on.

Don't hate on me, I'm prayin' that it changes so we can keep drivers. I'm puttin' in the effort for a better place. I try to obey God and treat others the way that I would want to be treated.

Have a good Lord's day.
One point from these conversations is that all prospective drivers should look at is the size of the terminal. My barn is huge and I'd have a fairly easy time getting a scheduled run if I drove. Yet I've talked to drivers from other terminals who struggle.

When looking at terminals around you, looking at a bigger one could be better if youre not interested in extra board forever.

Really, most people should be looking at their nearest terminal instead of companies as a whole.
Couldn’t had said it better. I know drivers out of smaller terminals that have been xtra board for more than a decade (not by choice either). I’m out of a smaller terminal and got lucky and have been scheduled driver for most of my time working here. I think that if one is going to be in a small terminal you better be ready to be xtra board for quite a while or just go city if you like being home
Some? Just some look and act like big foots? Estes is reaping what it sowed. You aren't gonna like this chicken hawk but it must be said. This company has been around a long time. It has a reputation among drivers who have been around a while for being a starter job. Why you ask? Good question chicken hawk. Bunk rooms, lower pay, dispatchers straight outta lock up, the worst trucks, yards that had moon craters, if you didn't run illegal you wasn't gettin' miles, waiting and waiting and no pay, hotels that made the truck a nice option, district managers that are as cold as ice and will smack you down quick with the good ole boy club. you just had to be here to believe it. Most of it is still around, just not as obvious. Well you see, after time this has a effect on who Estes is able to hire. Estes would get good drivers and they would work for a while and flee this place and tell everybody about it. The vagabonds stayed. Vagabonds piled up to where we are now. We got vagabonds and nepotism that stinks to to high heavens.

Estes seems to wanna turn over a new leaf, I hope they do. I come in every day in uniform clean and shaved smelling good and smilin'. I pray to the Lord above to keep us safe, so we can go home and love on our family and friends. You can call me all the names you want, tell me to leave or whatever you bang your high chair with, ain't gonna change the facts or the truth that I just schooled you with.

Remember what I told ya the next time you see that vagabond walking across the the yard going into the drivers room to stink up the place with his breath and foul language. Estes has been breeding this kind of environment for decades. Most of the good ones moved on.

Don't hate on me, I'm prayin' that it changes so we can keep drivers. I'm puttin' in the effort for a better place. I try to obey God and treat others the way that I would want to be treated.

Have a good Lord's day.
I guess they do things different wherever you are. I've never been asked to run illegal. It's never been implied. I've never been given grief for calling it a night because i ran out of time for freeway closure. Never heard one word when I said I wasnt running because an ice storm coated 120 miles of interstate in ice. Never heard a word when I told the TM I wont run with a particular piece of equipment and i was putting on the deadline. I've waited in the hotel 2 hours exactly one time waiting on a load. Every night I call dispatch I'm told come on in when I'm ready. No shortage of freight out here.

Ive never stayed in a bunkroom. Never even been to a terminal that had one. The majority of the hotel rooms I've stayed in were in pretty good shape. Only one I can legit complain about is the hotel in Riverside CA.

As far as pay, I should make no less than $90k this year, probably closer to $95k, maybe closer to $100k if I really want to run hard the rest of the year. Now tell me what company is going to pay me significantly more than that? You keep talking about pay. Youre complaining about nickel and dime nonsense. Yeah I'll go to FXF so I can get paid to fuel while I take a $35k a year pay cut because I only run 250 miles a night and work the dock 5 hours a night for the next decade. Great move.

I guess you work out of a bad terminal or region but you cant paint the while company with that broad brush. Secondly, even if Estes was the way you say it was back in the old days, that doesnt mean it's that way now. Hell the entire trucking industry is different than it was 10 years ago, much less 20 or 30 years. Pick out any LTL company and I can bet you they have changed significantly.over the decades.

You hate it here, we get it. But to go and tell any prospective driver that this is a third rate starter company is a bold faced lie.
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