Estes | Ex employee stealing loaded trailers?

Im an EX Employee just want to let Beerboy know. i didn't take them? hope the thief gets caught we had somebody steal high dollar frieght in our Sacramento yard.!! But i hope Roob see's the need to stop stealing from all the old GI employees like he did when i was employeed there. no delays pay! no fueling pay! No layover pay after 13hours. and no overtime pay for city drivers until after 48hours. Those were the benifits that we got from GI trucking before Estes took over. oh yeah plus they paid for a pension and our benifits. those were the goood ol days.
Why did G I get bought out ? Don't forget the great shape that G I equipment was in
Heard some fully loaded trailers were heisted from Arizona and California. Heard corporate suspects current employee/employees, or ex employee/employees. Heard an Estes truck was involved. Sounds like someone knew what they were doing. Supposedly Home Depot freight was taken, appliances etc. Not good. Why would an ex employee be so vindictive? T Elvis out....

Probably some bitter little ***** ex employee who wanted the union, didnt get his way, got ran off and left his brothers behind, so it was his last resort?
Thats my guess anyways!
VIVA LA ESTES! :shift:
It had nothing to do with not making a profit but with the flow of funds going one way and very little being reinvested going back to the Carolina debacle and through the ABF years. You see I do believe that Mister E is a very smart business man and would not have acquired GI if it was such a losing proposition as some have made it out to be.