Estes | Fence crash

There's absolutely no regulation on foot wear in the FMCSA handbook. This is just another trucker tale that's been passed down from Billy Bob Rigger to William Robert Large Car and is believed to be the gospel. I can't stand flip flops and don't wear them and I personally wear work boots while driving my truck.
I see a lot of Drivers that must be wearing their footwear over their eyes.
Heard last week at Knoxville of another Covenant driver came around building and instead of going up to exit out the gate turned right at the crosswalk thinking it was the exit with a van and tore the front end off another 3rd party carrier who was parked there beside the crosswalk. Dude was in his tractor sleeping and come out startled. He had to end up staying the whole day and night till the next day to have his tractor towed. 2 accidents in a month on that yard by Covenant. Last year one of their drivers tore down a concrete light pole in the back lot, and that costed over 18000.00 to replace. I believe Covenant is losing more money than they are making on with these incidents.