First Second First Date Ever


TB Veteran
Oh I could bore all of you with stories about me working for GFS today, but I got an even better one then that.
So details aside tonight I went out on the first second first date I've ever had in my life. What's so funny is the girl I went out with asked me how many other girl friends I've had and the answer is none. She looks at me and goes "Yeah I don't believe that." I said "What? I'm telling you the truth." She goes "Um your quite the laddies man your a great flirt, she goes you were flirting with the waitress." I'm so clueless serious I don't know anything I went "What I was?" I have certain mannerisms that I do it's partially because I don't take my self seriously all the time and I don't think other people take me seriously because after all nobody takes you seriously till your like 30 or something anyhow.

Now as far as it went first dates are pretty awkward usually, well that's been my experience and I don't have to much experience at it, but ehh I thought it could have been way worse. She was nice though, now could there be a second date I think yes. Now let me say this, are we soul mates destine to be together forever? The answer to that is no, I think we could probably be friends, but I could tell in some areas and because of different life experiences we would have trouble relating to each other on some stuff. Anyhow she did offer to leave money for the tip and we texted after the date. She thanked me for diner said it was very nice. One of the things that I found funny was the waitress goes to set the bill down and the waitress had this smile on her face about a mile wide and I knew that the waitress had been gawking in the back with the other waitresses something along the lines of "Oh look at those kids at table 5 there so cute together or something along those lines."

The girl was pretty enough no complaints in the looks department, I do think this girl was a little bit of a serial dater though, but ehh whatever that's fine. Enough practice and I'll be good a good serial dater my self (god I can't believe I just wrote that.)
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That's good Mike you seem like a good guy. Nothing wrong if u make a couple friends from dating. You will find the one for you one day.. never know this girl could be crazier things have happen
That's good Mike you seem like a good guy. Nothing wrong if u make a couple friends from dating. You will find the one for you one day.. never know this girl could be crazier things have happen

She seemed to have her head on her shoulders alright she wasn't looking for anyone to support her or gold dig off of not that I could tell anyway. She worked as a nurse and was like me kind of a lower middle on the totem poll for the hospital system she worked for. She was nice enough I'm a talker and did most of the talking, but I don't think she minded although I asked her question and she could have talked as long as she wanted and I would have listened no problem.

It wasn't bad I told her this summer I want to go to the zoo, because the zoo's fun to go to and the way I worded it was "Just think about it will go to the zoo sometime I don't have a date set in stone, but think about it." She sends me one back going "Okay I think about it LOL."

So we kind of left it open, I'd guess I would see her again and I know she would see me again to she didn't say she wouldn't. However today is not that day we both work kind of the same goofy hours and I've got three vehciles that I need to get to work cleaning. Parking at the Air Port is a mess and we've been doing a lot of Air Port work with my little business and I've got 2 SUV's and one Astro Van that need to be cleaned and have some burnt out lights changed on. Actually the Astro just needs a bath the Silver Suburban is the one that sees all the action eventually it will go up for sale, probably after the Republican National Convention.
Well that went down the toilet pretty quick. Last night I tried to get a second date out of her and she fed me some lie that was nothing more then a bold faced lie. At any rate like the band White Snake here I go again on my own, only road I've ever known. The thing of it is I didn't trust her however, she might have been alright to spend the summer with eventually it would have ended anyhow. At any rate better now then later and I got off pretty easy and how mad can you really be for being off the hook?
Well that went down the toilet pretty quick. Last night I tried to get a second date out of her and she fed me some lie that was nothing more then a bold faced lie. At any rate like the band White Snake here I go again on my own, only road I've ever known. The thing of it is I didn't trust her however, she might have been alright to spend the summer with eventually it would have ended anyhow. At any rate better now then later and I got off pretty easy and how mad can you really be for being off the hook?
That happens buddy, they will come and go. At least she didn't drag you along through the summer and cause you to spend unnecessary money on her lol...
And perhaps she wasn't lying? Maybe could still be hope?
Yes very quickly they come and go and it is also amazing how fast there ex's just come right back into there life just like that as quick as you snap your fingers there ex's just suddenly come back. However I've never known of a woman to take an ex there truly done with back.

Nahh there's no hope and looking back way to many red flags that I like most guys tend to do ignore. Next 5-7 months from now if history is any indicator I'm going to do things differently a tad well when you know better you do better.

This girl was the type of girl though who even if she was seeing you she would have 5 different profiles up on 5 different dating sites all going while she was seeing you, I think the correct word for that is sociopath well there are some sociopaths tenancies there. She told me that at dinner and that raised a pretty big red flag. I still was going to give her the benefit of the doubt, but yeah looking back on it now, you know getting rejected sucks, but at the same time the rational brain says hold on a minute here lets look at the positives, we got let go pretty easy and were able to make a real clean break, so that pretty much lands the plane on that.
Anyhow you know Z actually it's for the best that she's gone I'll be more then fine without her actually ha-ha probably better off the more I think about it she couldn't be trusted.
Yes very quickly they come and go and it is also amazing how fast there ex's just come right back into there life just like that as quick as you snap your fingers there ex's just suddenly come back. However I've never known of a woman to take an ex there truly done with back.

This girl was the type of girl though who even if she was seeing you she would have 5 different profiles up on 5 different dating sites all going while she was seeing you, I think the correct word for that is sociopath well there are some sociopaths tenancies there. She told me that at dinner and that raised a pretty big red flag. I still was going to give her the benefit of the doubt, but yeah looking back on it now, you know getting rejected sucks, but at the same time the rational brain says hold on a minute here lets look at the positives, we got let go pretty easy and were able to make a real clean break, so that pretty much lands the plane on that.
Anyhow you know Z actually it's for the best that she's gone I'll be more then fine without her actually ha-ha probably better off the more I think about it she couldn't be trusted.
Yes Mike I'm sure you will better off. Anyone that would keep "looking" while seeing and taking to a person is no good.
Obviously she has some problemsort with herself. Is that what she told you she was going back with her ex??

You still have time and I'm sure you will find someone you can hang out with for the summer maybe even longer. Any one would be better than her from the sounds of it.
Z that's exactly what she said. Well see I have a pretty good memory for things like this let replay the conversation as it took place in the restaurant.
Her: "So how many relationships have you been in?"
Me: "None."
Her "I don't believe that for one minute, because you seem like quite the ladies man your a huge flirt."
Me: "How about you?"
Her: "I was in a long term relationship for a year and there were things that we needed to work on and he didn't feel that he wanted to work on those things so were done."

Me: "Uh huh."

So what do you make of that?
The problem with her was she looked great on paper meaning good job education on and on, which was why I was willing to give her a second chance. The funny thing though when I was done with her I was like what was that, then I thought you know what though first dates are always awkward sometimes you have to go around a few times.

So then Sunday night comes and I send her a message saying hey look I want to get to know you better, now trust me I had my reservations the whole point of getting to know her better was because more vetting needed to be done, what I wanted was to see if I could get her to let her guard down a little then she sent me one back saying I don't remember the text verbatim it was Sunday night now keep in mind she told me Friday night her "ex" and her were done, all of a sudden Sunday night comes and your ex is back in your life. Nahh she didn't like me and I had my reservations about her, however I treated her probably in a way she had never been treated before and probably felt bad enough with her self that she owed me some kind of explanation and paper clipped that one together. I know you guys don't know me in real life, but I don't really screw around with certain things, we went to a really nice restaurant way nice for a first date. Like she looked at me when she opened the menu with this look like oh my gosh. I was like doesn't matter to me, working in the food and limo business her in town you kind of know where the nicer better places are.

Once upon a time I used to have female co-workers at work not any more, but once upon a time a few years ago I had female co-workers and I remember 2 of them talking about some guy another girl they knew dated and the girl broke up with the guy and the girl said "Yeah I thought he was to good for me so I had to let him go."

The text message she sent me while it was full of lies did have this truthful undertone of I don't like you like that and even if I did your to good for me anyhow. I'm trying to remember it now and it was I don't want to lead you on blah blah blah my ex is back in my life your really great and you'll find someone else typical stuff etc etc.
Now that I think about it, it did have this your to good for me undertone to it.
Plenty of fish out there. I do agree with you tho Mike she was definitely a liar and no good for you. She either lied to you on the date about her ex or on Sunday about being back with him. Things between them couldn't have changed that fast.

I bet you could find her on the dating site (if that's where you met her) right now still looking for someone. I would rather someone be straight up front with me and just say their not interested instead of making up a lie
I know I could find her and did because that's exactly what I did I saw when she sent me that message that she was already trolling around on the internet she actually found me if that matters she's on there everyday trolling around she's looking for the biggest fish she can catch is probably also addicted like a drug addict to trolling the internet and playing games like this the more I thought about it she's definatly got some kind of disorder. . Yeah you know if someone said hey you know what I'm not feeling it we just don't have it, then that's fine no hard feelings here, I'm with you 100% on that one. That's actually what really makes me the most mad, don't lie to me. If she said "Hey I like you, but we don't have any "chemistry" I can appreciate that a lot more then stories and lies. But liars lie that's what they do and this girl was a liar the funny thing is I think this girl thought she was a lot smarter then she really was when you live on the net and all your info is on the net people can dig up information pretty easy and I don't think she was banking on that. Either that or she didn't care, at any rate though I got off easy and I'm pleased she's gone. Her "ex" can go have the liability of her again if he's even back in the picture.