FedEx Freight | Health policy questions

I looked the BMI Body Mass Index information up this morning and some sites are saying that if you are 30% or higher you have to take the sleep apnea test. I am 5'10 1/2 and can't weigh over 195lbs. Right now I weigh 215 which puts me in the Obese catagory. Kind of hard to diet when your eating enough calories to stay warm on a fridged dock with the wind blowing all night. Maybe I could go back to smoking so I can maintain my weight. More government BS sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. I wonder what they say when the grocery store runs out of food cuz all the fat drivers can drive anymore?

Recent info...

Whoops! FMCSA Accidentally Unveils Sleep Apnea Plans | Foley Carrier Services - America's Trucking Newspaper
