Yellow | Hiring while Teamsters on Layoff in Dallas!

Correct me if I'm wrong R, but haven't we had some guys on here say that their terminal HAS hired some casuals, while full timers are still on lay off? I'm positive that some have reported it.

Don't read this part R......Bite me Joe.

And on the other part yes there was some posting from people at terminals where everyone was called back .
And from another thread

To me as a company this is completely wrong. Having a driver come back to work for a week and to lay them off again. While that driver might have given up a stable job.

Granted those on lay off should be given the option to come in first, but if all are working elsewhere or chose not to work off hours they're going to want to hire casuals.
There is a simple explanation to all of this. Freight will explode as the economy improves..everyone on layoff in Dallas will be recalled and new hires will be needed

I think that you are correct.
Right now, it seems as though Holland cann't get enough drivers.I think that ,this year, a GOOD driver will be able to get a GOOD job.
Hopefully all the displaced drivers from DHL, YRC and all other companies will be able to find a good job this year.
For example,Most freight companies have drivers laid off at this time of the year. NOT this year. Many are hiring drivers,running drivers on their rest.All this is good news.
Good Luck to ALL !
If they are running adds and have no intentions of hiring......> __Thats would be a WASTE OF OUR PRECIOUS GIVEBACK MONEY .!....iT COST TO ADVERTISE..!