Yellow | I was wonder if??

I not really concerned about the writting the cabs as much as I am about the other stuff that goes on in some of them. There are definetly some inmature idiots out there.
It's unbelievable how people treat the equipment. The way I look at it, when I'm in that tractor that's my office. I wouldn't throw trash on my office floor or desk at home, nor would I leave spilled coffee, Coke etc. without cleaning it up. Or fifth wheel grease, cigarette ashes..... you get the idea.
Tell your God to stop the slaughter in the world and then I'll listen to you.

I'm with you BigR. And I'm not fond of anyone preaching his/her religion here or in the cabs of the trucks we drive. We are not all of the same faith or religion and we don't need to be subjected to someone else's beliefs if they differ from ours. That is why there are churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, etc. If you want to commune with "YOUR" god, go to your place of worship to do so!!!!
shifter's right though. Our nation is increasingly angry over small petty things. Class envy is what keeps the politicians in office. It never really took hold until Karl Marx wrote about it in the mid 1850's, and Socialism grabbed power in our nation in 1935. Socialism needs religion to be silenced to survive. I'd better shut up now, or next Seven will say once again that I injected religion and politics into a thread about, well, religion and kind of, politics........
My point is; this began not as anything to do with Yellow, but in post #1 as a political statement against "religious zealots"......

Politics is what we believe. So is religion. Either we are with Him, or we're not. Those that want us to only practice our beliefs in a church of some kind, therefore, want Him out of everything, and are lying/faking it to everyone else, themselves, and God. You can't have it both ways. Like it or not-- that's the truth.
There is an old saying "That cleanliness is next to Godliness" so maybe if we just would keep the cabs clean and free of all these imature markings that everyone including the man upstairs would be satisfied.
Fact will NEVER know who it is as long as we slip seat, as the trucks are not inspected when we turn them in!
Why did you attack just 1 group? I noticed nothing was said about the PRO/ANTI Hoffa & Leedham crap....nothing said about the profanity written all over the dash and headliners too? I had rather sit in the truck for over 9 hours staring at a cross, than profainity across the dash!........grow up, and clean up after your nasty and collectively bargained a$$es!........KK

I am sorry that this has turned into something about religion and that was not my intent. I am speaking generally and only the matter in which I described was a religious statement. I am also speaking of the stickers being placed in the truck also be it fruit stickers or union stickers or magic markers describing that the truck is a dog or the speed it travels. I also speak of the piles of newspapers and the old placards and cigarette ashes. I just think as grown adults we all should have a little respect for our fellow drivers. This equipment does not belong to us and we should show some respect to others who may also drive it. The unit # was 15556. I had this truck again today and all was replaced new doors headliner was cleaned and so was the dash. I just think that what a waste of money and time that could have been spent on maybe new seats, was now wasted on cleaning up this truck. My whole point on this matter is that I find it despicable that someone would purposely deface equipment to make a point. I would have given this person more respect if he or she took the time to write their statement on a blank piece of paper and taped it to the dash. I hope I did not offend anyone with my first post and apologize to those who took my comment out of context. I was just upset over the whole ordeal and should have been more specific about the point i was trying to get across.
I am sorry that this has turned into something about religion and that was not my intent.

I would have given this person more respect if he or she took the time to write their statement on a blank piece of paper and taped it to the dash. I hope I did not offend anyone with my first post and apologize to those who took my comment out of context.

OK, I went back and reread your first post, and I didn't take it out of context at all. Your point seemed EXTREMELY clear that you seemed to think Religious Zealots are hypocrites. I'll retreat after reading your above post and explanation. Hey, maybe you'd simply had enough, and were mad. Like I've said, I don't do that stuff, and I agree with you about the ones that do. But True Religious Zealots aren't bad; they're simply practicing their beliefs (which don't include trashing anything) thing that sets me off are some that do whatever during the week, but are good as gold in church on Sunday. We can't be part-time anything. We are what we are. That's why Religion and Politics CANNOT be separated.....they are both one and the same. Trash a truck, cheat a customer, gouge "the rich" and call it their "fair share"; well, you get my point.....

Actually, IF I were to do that stuff though, I like your paper idea......
The way some of these drivers trash the trucks, I would be curios to see what their homes look like. I could just see these a$$holes walking around a garbage filled living room sitting on a couch that has an emergency response book holding up one corner, a overloaded ash tray on the arm rest and a cabinet overhead stuffed with empty candy rappers.
The way some of these drivers trash the trucks, I would be curios to see what their homes look like. I could just see these a$$holes walking around a garbage filled living room sitting on a couch that has an emergency response book holding up one corner, a overloaded ash tray on the arm rest and a cabinet overhead stuffed with empty candy rappers.

Man tour on a roll today,did Larry **** in your cornflakes already this morning???