Yellow | IBT Response To Re-Vote Of Proposed MOU

I thought I remembered reading they sold the interest they had in China but but second guessed myself after running across JHJ International which looks to be a different company and seeing the YRC Logistics banner on their wed site, It appears JHJ is connected to MIQ Logistics(Do we still own part of that?*).

Looks like we sold most or all of YRC Logistics in 2010> YRC Logistics Rebranded as MIQ Logistics | Transport Topics Online | Trucking, Freight Transportation and Logistics News

YRC sells stake in Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co. Ltd > YRC dumps holding in Chinese trucker joint venture – DC Velocity
Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co. Ltd> Welcome to Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co., Ltd.(
JHJ Logistics> JHJ| JHJ History
MIQ Logistics> About MIQ Logistics
I thought I remembered reading they sold the interest they had in China but but second guessed myself after running across JHJ International which looks to be a different company and seeing the YRC Logistics banner on their wed site, It appears JHJ is connected to MIQ Logistics(Do we still own part of that?*).

Looks like we sold most or all of YRC Logistics in 2010> YRC Logistics Rebranded as MIQ Logistics | Transport Topics Online | Trucking, Freight Transportation and Logistics News

YRC sells stake in Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co. Ltd > YRC dumps holding in Chinese trucker joint venture – DC Velocity
Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co. Ltd> Welcome to Shanghai Jiayu Logistics Co., Ltd.(
JHJ Logistics> JHJ| JHJ History
MIQ Logistics> About MIQ Logistics
We have NO interest in MIQ either.
What bothers me is the idea of the lender being a swiss bank. Credit Suisse is a swiss bank. How much collateral is deposited in that bank?
Collateral deposited in a Swiss bank? You think there are YRC tractors and trailers hidden away somewhere in Switzerland? Please tell us what you think is REALLY going on.

Your original post asked about collateral being deposited in a bank. Collateral on a loan is not cash you already have as Wrench97 pointed out. My response tried to show that in a humorous way.

You don't get money for nothing and worn out equipment isn't going to cut it. That money wasn't lent on equipment. What is the collateral if there is no principle present in the swiss bank? And what was the return on the money when the company was paying such a high interest on the loan? We could go on and on with this.
Don't bother with the cheap shot worthless replies. I was under the impression this was an intelligent forum.

You again imply that collateral is funds deposited in a bank. Wrong.

Talking to the two of you is like talking to the moon. I could wonder just exactly where your position is. I never said a word about equipment as collateral, you did! MONEY is what I'm talking about!
Yellow does not own real estate, it leases real estate. Is that what you wanted me to tell you?
And what about the China extravaganza?
I'm talking about money laundering and cooking two sets of Books. How are you successful enough to buy 5 successful companies at a time and not capable of profit yourself? How do you restructure and sell off all the secessful companies assets you accumulated through purchass, cut half your work force, asked for and get 3 billion in concession from your faithful and hard working employees that barly average a living wage, attempt to buy and liqudate another company, then come back and play failure to the IRS and the employees after 4 years in the mist of an economic boom? Good stinking lies going on somewhere.
Every board member in this company needs to go to prison with a number of past and present CEO's. The IRS needs to do a 10 year audit of this whole corporation and some corporate laws need to change!
Its amazing how our military industrial government ever let greedy corporation get this far.

Wow, talking to the moon? It seems to be that you're quite confused about collateral, loans and their interaction. You're the one who believed (wrongly) that collateral is cash deposited in a bank somewhere and you're the one who asked what the collateral was if that wasn't the case. You might want to learn a little and gain a better understanding.