R&L | Kennesaw Taking Over Some Of Chattanooga’s Routes.

Recap Slinger

TB Lurker
Got the news that we are losing 2 to 3 of our routes to Kennesaw . They tried this a few years ago, only to give them back to us in a few days because they couldn’t handle it. One of our best shippers didn’t get picked up for the 3 days when Kennesaw tried to run it. We’re hoping for the same results this time as well. It’s discouraging to us that we’ve built up the customer base in these areas over the last 15 years only to lose it to a terminal that cannot kept up with what they have already.
Wow sorry to hear that. Not real familiar with that neck of the woods in terms of what a P&D setup would be. What's their reasoning? (Don't snicker, I know it's R&L and reasoning is not always high on the list) not enough drivers ? Too long of stem time? Some new manager trying to mark his territory be peeing on someone elses' Cheerios?
Wow sorry to hear that. Not real familiar with that neck of the woods in terms of what a P&D setup would be. What's their reasoning? (Don't snicker, I know it's R&L and reasoning is not always high on the list) not enough drivers ? Too long of stem time? Some new manager trying to mark his territory be peeing on someone elses' Cheerios?
We really don’t know, we have plenty of drivers to cover them and there’s never been a problem with service. Kennesaw on the other hand is one of those terminals that’s always hiring. They always have openings for linehaul, city, and dock. That’s pretty common for any company in the Atlanta area though.
I’m just afraid what it will do to our freight levels in Chattanooga, we’ve got some good guys here that I’d hate to see get laid off.