XPO | Little Stuff...

Dockworkers that have went through the program have went and trained during the day and still worked outbound at night. There was no way mathematically that they could have put in a those type of miles PLUS the school was always during the day - no linehaul running.

Did the school 6 or 7 years ago after getting my cdl (about 3 weeks in) ran full p/d runs for all but the last week on linehaul averaged 750 mi a week for 5 weeks

Not sure if all locations are the same but they made sure we seen it all
XPO/Con-way manufacturers it's own trailers. Why in the world do they only put ONE set of controls for the liftgate on the trailer.

I wonder how many drivers have fell off the back trying to bend down and operate the controls for the liftgate?
Really? Your above that.
I could not disagree more. More generational than racial.
Evidently not.

Yes I said and meant it that way. This comes from witnessing and personal having it said to me. I was call out for just having my Bluetooth in I wasn't listen to music or talk on the phone, hell the phone was in the truck and I lost connection with my phone. A dockworker had ear buds in and listen to music had nothing said to them by this same FOS. I was not the only on this was done to we had to take it outside of our barn to get resolved.
XPO/Con-way manufacturers it's own trailers. Why in the world do they only put ONE set of controls for the liftgate on the trailer.

If you listen to the safety department, we're not supposed to ride it- only operate it from the ground. I've never seen someone do anything other than ride it with the freight.

I wonder how many drivers have fell off the back trying to bend down and operate the controls for the liftgate?

I don't know, but if you can't operate that switch without falling off the trailer it may be time to hang it up.
And why does XPO Logistics/Con-way get rid of or stop making trailers that let light in. They used to have trailers with fiberglass tops ( peddle vans ) and recently pups and peddle vans with portholes along the top sides to let light in.

The ones with the fiberglass sunlights or ceilings leaked like sieves. I liked the newer style with the little ones along the top of the wall, though.
There are 25 safe stack bars in a trailer. They are made out of aluminum , mostly. After about a year 20% - 30% of the bars are messed up. After three years , total disaster as far as the being able to use the bars.

I think the bars would last a lot longer if people stopped using the lifts to raise them. The feet, on the other hand, should be replaced on some kind of schedule. After a few years just replace the whole set instead of doing it on the FAC dock when one falls on your head.
I think the bars would last a lot longer if people stopped using the lifts to raise them. The feet, on the other hand, should be replaced on some kind of schedule. After a few years just replace the whole set instead of doing it on the FAC dock when one falls on your head.
Before it was XPO , it looks as if there was an effort to keep a schedule. Some trailers still have magic marker dates written on them from the last time they were maintenanced.
The ones with the fiberglass sunlights or ceilings leaked like sieves. I liked the newer style with the little ones along the top of the wall, though.
I have seen trailers in pooring rain woth the fiberglass tops that DID not leak. Drivers that were assigned these for peddle simply marked leaks with marker and when there was a PM the leaks were sealed , and problem solved.

Stupid part is that even with no leaks , once the order came down the fiberglass tops were replaced with metal.
If you listen to the safety department, we're not supposed to ride it- only operate it from the ground. I've never seen someone do anything other than ride it with the freight.

I don't know, but if you can't operate that switch without falling off the trailer it may be time to hang it up.
My point is the price of a switch placed were it can be operated SAFELY would be minimal. Also , you can easily be blocked from operating the switch by the freight.

I have never witnessed or heard of any instance of someone being trained to only operate the liftgate from the ground. I would like to see this. But , it makes the placement of the controls understandable if true.

The same people that potentially could fall off the liftgate are the same ones that need company issued ice cleats. These also are the same ones that CAN'T go under the skirts on a pup to check the fifth wheel hook on the kingpin.
And why does XPO Logistics/Con-way get rid of or stop making trailers that let light in. They used to have trailers with fiberglass tops ( peddle vans ) and recently pups and peddle vans with portholes along the top sides to let light in.

Now , it's zero outside light getting in an it's like walking in a cave. It couldn't have been that expensive to cut a few 3 inch holes for light in the trailer.
The new trailers we got last year have the 3 port Windows. I haven't peddled in this years yet.
My point is the price of a switch placed were it can be operated SAFELY would be minimal. Also , you can easily be blocked from operating the switch by the freight.

I have never witnessed or heard of any instance of someone being trained to only operate the liftgate from the ground. I would like to see this. But , it makes the placement of the controls understandable if true.

The same people that potentially could fall off the liftgate are the same ones that need company issued ice cleats. These also are the same ones that CAN'T go under the skirts on a pup to check the fifth wheel hook on the kingpin.
Hey! I like the ice cleats! They save my but(literally) many times! And I always check the fifth wheel. Always.
Is it possible to get brighter lightbulbs in the headlights? It's the twentyfirst century but it looks like candles in a jar with what is in front of the tractors now.

Halogen. LCD. Modern , bright , clear. Not more expensive by much.
Now that companies have switched completely to electronic logs , can you notice a difference? At XPO , peddle drivers seem to be holding off on their lunch until 7th or 8th hour then take lunch to avoid outbound.

I take my lunch at the last second trying to get as much done as I can before I have to shut down.
well had someone call and say they are from the IRS called them back and told them to come get me.
When I was in the city even if you left a message they didn't call you back but when I called on my phone they answered on the 2nd ring

Smart phones are awesome. Remember paper maps and knocking on doors. Google maps shows you where to go 98% of the time. And if you can't find it. Type the business into a web browser of choice and the company website will show you where they are and have phone numbers if you want to call them. I can't ( won't ) do this job without a smart phone.
I hate the safety screen on the hand held. If I am going to a pick up. And the only information I have is in the hand held, how am I supposed to know the company name and address if all I see is a safety message ? When I click that stop and the safety screen pops up it should display that stops name and address. You know. So I know what the hell I am looking for.
Some guys wear the ones with tubes in them so that they can still hear conversation.
Buy the ear plugs from a shooting supply store or academy. They have a diaphragm in them that allows u to hear a whisper, but blocks out noise above a certain decibel range. I have three sets and work great!!!
The ones with the fiberglass sunlights or ceilings leaked like sieves. I liked the newer style with the little ones along the top of the wall, though.
I sure the rocket scientist that thought of putting skylight in the trailer roof is living in a mansion somewhere laughing his head off. The ones I see that don't leak have a ton of sealant around them, but have no fear they will leak again.
I think the bars would last a lot longer if people stopped using the lifts to raise them. The feet, on the other hand, should be replaced on some kind of schedule. After a few years just replace the whole set instead of doing it on the FAC dock when one falls on your head.
What makes them hard to replace is that the stop screw on the bottom of the track gets all f--ed up and you can't get the screw out. They just need to not put those in and have bar in stock with the feet on them and then in only a few mins to replace. I bar I have replaced I don't put those stop screws back in just makes it easier the next time
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