Yellow | Members Of Hoffa-Hall 2016 Slate Can't Take The Heat?!


TB Legend


I saw in the video no conclusive evidence that the defendant harassed anyone.He incessantly asked questions.Those officials were kind of shaken up a little by the questions
I saw in the video no conclusive evidence that the defendant harassed anyone.He incessantly asked questions.Those officials were kind of shaken up a little by the questions
First amendment right.As long as the person asking the question does not threaten to kill or harm or cause terroristic threats against the other person.The lawyer can go pound sand
Boo -Hoo- Hoo! Why would anybody vote for these BUMS!!!!!!
I have bad news for you, most of the members have no clue what Hoffa and company are and they will most likely vote status quo. Most of today's contracts are held by smaller shops who deal directly with their Local and Hoffa has nothing to do with them. If you have any contact with any of those smaller shops just try to inform them and hope for the best.
I mean it! What a bunch of eliteist bastards! Hall with his one man "Goon" Squad. Hell it's no wonder nobody wants to join the Union anymore!
Hall just kept walking like his :::shit::: didn't stink and as for the "Goon"? Oh I'm so frekin scared!
Why do people in higher places that are suspected by their subjects of wrong doing or just plain mistrust act like the way Mr.Hall looked and acted in that street level video?I mean if you're a person of character and other traits that show you are a leader wouldn't that person just stop and answer a few questions?Even if it's not true a good person would at least give a few sound bites to appease the masses