Well looks like freight gonna be backing up in the Midwest and when things reopen we gonna get slammed in the east and west Yea overtime coming lol !! Positivity Money Beerd my in my Pocket thanks to the Snowman :) !!!!
Why would things be backed up? If there was no city operation and alot of customers closed, its no different than a 3 day weekend.
Xla was open today got there today at 8:00am to try to start trucks and pull spotters to shop then they decided not to run city operation got stuck working the dock breaking long boxes till 7pm tonight some guys left said they don't care give me a point or whatever let me tell ya I'm young and in very good shape and today kicked my butt I really hope tommorrow is better I pity anyone running lasalle tommorrow nite good luck
11 hours on the patio in super freezing weather?!? Hells no!!! Young and in shape or not there's no excuse for supervisors to let/make you work that long in that cold of weather. Doing that **** makes an old man out of anyone fast!