ABF | My View


I stand for our flag, & kneel for the fallen
All the talk about YRC buying ABF, SEC filings, oh no we are losing money, just does not cut it with me. The only thing that has any effect on my Perception of how I should vote is when the CEO of ABF takes a base pay increase of 75,000.00 in 2011 & 50,000.00 in 2012 then turns around & asks me to give up 7 percent & other compensation so they can afford to pay those raises, then all I can think of or say is NO, pay the rate or lock the gate. If the current proposal is approved, or turned down & YRC or UPS, or my mother buys the company, it is has the same financial effect on me. Why should I affirm our Leaderships greed? von
All the talk about YRC buying ABF, SEC filings, oh no we are losing money, just does not cut it with me. The only thing that has any effect on my Perception of how I should vote is when the CEO of ABF takes a base pay increase of 75,000.00 in 2011 & 50,000.00 in 2012 then turns around & asks me to give up 7 percent & other compensation so they can afford to pay those raises, then all I can think of or say is NO, pay the rate or lock the gate. If the current proposal is approved, or turned down & YRC or UPS, or my mother buys the company, it is has the same financial effect on me. Why should I affirm our Leaderships greed? von

I agree 100% you lead by example from the top down not from the bottom up!