Yellow | Network Optimization?!


TB Legend

Network optimization Build density reduce cost redundancies asset utilization Facilities identified for immediate cohabitation Estimated cash proceeds which provides additional liquidity YRC Freight Holland New Penn Reddaway 15 to 20 $20-25M This initial assessment barely scratches the surface for cost savings opportunities


A near-term example of optimization NETWORK OPTIMIZATION 6 key focus areas: Network Design and Facilities Linehaul Planning Routing and Interchange City Operations Dock and Yard Operations Visibility and Status CONSOLIDATION SCENARIO TERMINAL B Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 TERMINAL C Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 Optimizing the network for increased efficiencies and service Immediate focus on gaining efficiencies and cost reductions through terminal cohabitation and consolidation Terminals in close proximity and with capacity are merged into one terminal Equipment, facility and employees are moved from B & C to generate cash proceeds and create synergies with routes, employees and equipment.

Network optimization Build density reduce cost redundancies asset utilization Facilities identified for immediate cohabitation Estimated cash proceeds which provides additional liquidity YRC Freight Holland New Penn Reddaway 15 to 20 $20-25M This initial assessment barely scratches the surface for cost savings opportunities


A near-term example of optimization NETWORK OPTIMIZATION 6 key focus areas: Network Design and Facilities Linehaul Planning Routing and Interchange City Operations Dock and Yard Operations Visibility and Status CONSOLIDATION SCENARIO TERMINAL B Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 TERMINAL C Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 Optimizing the network for increased efficiencies and service Immediate focus on gaining efficiencies and cost reductions through terminal cohabitation and consolidation Terminals in close proximity and with capacity are merged into one terminal Equipment, facility and employees are moved from B & C to generate cash proceeds and create synergies with routes, employees and equipment.


So if plan does not generate capital as planned, move to plan B, where optimization of both plan A and B, could or should generate revenue based on previous years figures, unless severe weather in July forces closure of certain terminals, whereby then plan C would take over both plan A and B, with all synergies contributing possible operational advantages to further enhance revenue sources, not mentioned in plan A,B,Or C.
Did Zollars think this up for them? For a fee of course....

So if plan does not generate capital as planned, move to plan B, where optimization of both plan A and B, could or should generate revenue based on previous years figures, unless severe weather in July forces closure of certain terminals, whereby then plan C would take over both plan A and B, with all synergies contributing possible operational advantages to further enhance revenue sources, not mentioned in plan A,B,Or C.
Did Zollars think this up for them? For a fee of course....
Ask Marcum or better yet, Liberty Tax!

So if plan does not generate capital as planned, move to plan B, where optimization of both plan A and B, could or should generate revenue based on previous years figures, unless severe weather in July forces closure of certain terminals, whereby then plan C would take over both plan A and B, with all synergies contributing possible operational advantages to further enhance revenue sources, not mentioned in plan A,B,Or C.
Did Zollars think this up for them? For a fee of course....
SLOW DOWN BIG R ! I'm trying to write all this down. What's an A terminal? .........

So if plan does not generate capital as planned, move to plan B, where optimization of both plan A and B, could or should generate revenue based on previous years figures, unless severe weather in July forces closure of certain terminals, whereby then plan C would take over both plan A and B, with all synergies contributing possible operational advantages to further enhance revenue sources, not mentioned in plan A,B,Or C.
Did Zollars think this up for them? For a fee of course....
We're taking up money to send you to Overland Park to get things straight. First Greyhound out in the morning

Network optimization Build density reduce cost redundancies asset utilization Facilities identified for immediate cohabitation Estimated cash proceeds which provides additional liquidity YRC Freight Holland New Penn Reddaway 15 to 20 $20-25M This initial assessment barely scratches the surface for cost savings opportunities


A near-term example of optimization NETWORK OPTIMIZATION 6 key focus areas: Network Design and Facilities Linehaul Planning Routing and Interchange City Operations Dock and Yard Operations Visibility and Status CONSOLIDATION SCENARIO TERMINAL B Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 TERMINAL C Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 Optimizing the network for increased efficiencies and service Immediate focus on gaining efficiencies and cost reductions through terminal cohabitation and consolidation Terminals in close proximity and with capacity are merged into one terminal Equipment, facility and employees are moved from B & C to generate cash proceeds and create synergies with routes, employees and equipment.
So you basically took the info from the thread I started and decided to start your own thread, reposting the info I already posted? Ok then.

Network optimization Build density reduce cost redundancies asset utilization Facilities identified for immediate cohabitation Estimated cash proceeds which provides additional liquidity YRC Freight Holland New Penn Reddaway 15 to 20 $20-25M This initial assessment barely scratches the surface for cost savings opportunities


A near-term example of optimization NETWORK OPTIMIZATION 6 key focus areas: Network Design and Facilities Linehaul Planning Routing and Interchange City Operations Dock and Yard Operations Visibility and Status CONSOLIDATION SCENARIO TERMINAL B Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 TERMINAL C Company 2 TERMINAL A Company 1 Optimizing the network for increased efficiencies and service Immediate focus on gaining efficiencies and cost reductions through terminal cohabitation and consolidation Terminals in close proximity and with capacity are merged into one terminal Equipment, facility and employees are moved from B & C to generate cash proceeds and create synergies with routes, employees and equipment.
Kinda hard to misread the graphic showing 3 bubbles changed into one that’s simple enough that I can even understand. Here we go again
You guys VOTED it in :1036316054:, so bring it on , more changes and Mergers the better and maybe even get matching Uniforms too !! :guiness:
We’re going to be the size of Abf so some people won’t make the cut.
You say we're so we see you Love to come and hate it for another 5 years
Then you say going to be the size of ABF when at first you said we wouldn't make it a year, then the end of this contract
You finding new faith in the company that signs your checks I see
30 year friend at international says up to 7000 job losses after full merger maybe more. How’s them guys going to pay for them new vehicles.
19 year friend from 309 said more than that leaving on their own so no need to hope for people to lose their jobs just to make you feel good
Materialistic things can be replaced by the way
Just like disgruntled sheep