ODFL | Od Is Laying Off Drivers Today

Varying numbers of 30-50 at COH. I think 15 drivers (both) is accurate, all part time dock workers, at least 1-2 office. Heard rumor of around 30 in GBO. Same as above furloughed 90 days with benefits, if not not brought back expected to be let go at that point.
These are not layoffs. These are, unfortunately, economic terminations. Hopefully they "rehire" the affected party should they wish to return in the future.
These are not layoffs. These are, unfortunately, economic terminations. Hopefully they "rehire" the affected party should they wish to return in the future.
They are neither, it’s a true furlough, all affected are still OD employees who will retain Benifits and Seniority over the next 90 day, they just won’t be working but are eligible for unemployment
They are still employeed.So if they do get called back within the 90 days you just go back to work.Up to OD to send drivers back to get DOT Physical if they request
I understood from poster#18 Dastardly that he said its really an economic termination . Thats a nice way of saying your fired .When I was still on the job we had a 10 year call back window . That meant if you were on layoff you could work for an other company but ya still could be called back . It would be up to that individual if they wanted to come back or stay where their at . That was part of our CBA (collective bargaining agreement ). I don't know if thats still in effect . Been enjoying 11 years of retirement after 44 years on the street . Life's good BTW not in Central States .

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