SAIA | Ok Google or alexa?


TB Lurker
Just a thought , if I had a Google mini on my dash with my hot spot on , would I get fired for talking to Google? Asking questions like history, traffic updates , locations...its not talking on a phone or CB. Its completely hands free. It requires no touching after hooked up and it breaks up the monoteney on the road? Just a thought....what say u?
Too many variables...

Do you get along with management? Are they just looking for ways to get rid of you? Are you in their little “club” of favorites? Pardon the pun, but are you on the “naughty” list or have you been a good little elf?

Policies and procedures at Saia are, let’s face it, inconsistent in their administration and enforcement.

What you should be asking is “is it worth the risk?” and go from there.
Too many variables...

Do you get along with management? Are they just looking for ways to get rid of you? Are you in their little “club” of favorites? Pardon the pun, but are you on the “naughty” list or have you been a good little elf?

Policies and procedures at Saia are, let’s face it, inconsistent in their administration and enforcement.

What you should be asking is “is it worth the risk?” and go from there.

Bigbuck " Your Right on the money...."
Just a thought , if I had a Google mini on my dash with my hot spot on , would I get fired for talking to Google? Asking questions like history, traffic updates , locations...its not talking on a phone or CB. Its completely hands free. It requires no touching after hooked up and it breaks up the monoteney on the road? Just a thought....what say u?
Change your religion and wear a towel on your head while one end of it covers your mouth. Talk all you want with whom you want. They’ll not go against you then. ( you might want to practice on your new accent.

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