Pitt-Ohio | Pitt Driver Becomes Most Hated

I was making a residential delivery many moons ago, I snagged the electric cable over the street and yanked some poor old dudes electric meter and about 6 pieces of vinyl siding into the street. He came out screaming and hollering at me, Coatesville Police show up, cop asks how tall is the trailer? 13' 4". Tells me I can go, homeowner to call Phila. Elec., couldn't get away fast enough....
I took down 3 in years while on p&d, reported it and being in public streets there was no discipline whatsoever. One was at the direction of a fire department and I had to drive around the block In a residential area because they were working a fire and had the main road blocked. I pulled up to the line and it was low so I stopped and told a cop on the scene. He basically said it’s cable and it shouldn’t be that low so screw ‘em, do what I have to do to get back to the main road and he’ll make sure the cable company is notified. I never heard a word after that.
I adjusted a fire escape in an alley , the building owner collected many checks on this fire escape , our safety man was good and the building owner had to pay the trucking company
Is that for real? If it is could it be because he didn't report it
14 foot minimum height. ::shit:: prove he knew he did it, eyes should be scanning front and side of him not looking up in the air. Now if are going to tell me you can tell one wire out of all those is 13'4 not 14 while drive 30 mph down the road watch for kids and cars your in the wrong business. LOL
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