Yellow | Proposed Change For Yrc And Holland

Headed home to Columbia on US 63 in 78 or thereabouts, clipped mirrors with a driver headed the other way. We both got shut down about a half mile apart, nowhere to turn around. We waved at each other and shared the all ok sign. Got a nice cut on my neck, happy to not lose an eye.
I get lots of waves from the guys in the construction zone I pass through daily. They have a special sign for me, No Mirrors Right Lane...
Headed home to Columbia on US 63 in 78 or thereabouts, clipped mirrors with a driver headed the other way. We both got shut down about a half mile apart, nowhere to turn around. We waved at each other and shared the all ok sign. Got a nice cut on my neck, happy to not lose an eye.

Don't know if you crossed the old single lane Vicksburg Miss. River bridge, you could reach out the right window and touch the train, when meeting a bus, he always stopped so you were at fault if mirrors were hit.