It's interesting all the info I get on Averitt. I read on some boards, and hear from old friends, that Averitt is a pretty darn good place to be for a driver. However, I read posts on here about how bad it is. To add to it, my bf started with Averitt a few months ago and has had nothing but trouble. If it is not trucks breaking down it is sitting for days at time waiting for loads. I'm thinking it is the home terminals that make the difference, but I don't really know. Some drivers are doing well and others are not. Sometimes the drivers fault and other times not.
I will assume your BF started in truck load. If that's the case then he is considered a 3rd rate employee at Averitt. Think about it shuttle drivers like Iceman get paid hub miles for their runs that means he gets paid for EVERY mile he runs. Dock workers, mechanics, office workers get paid by the hour so they get paid for EVERY minute they work. Truck load drivers get paid SHORT miles which means truck load customers do not want to have to pay for EVERY mile that truck moves so Averitt accommodates them and makes the driver EAT the extra miles. As for sitting and waiting for loads they could care less it costs Averitt NOTHING for a driver to sit and wait for loads, sit for hours waiting to get unloaded why should they...