TForce | Recession or micro management?


TB Lurker
Still can not figure our terminal out, is it my manager or the economy? We have went from 11 p&d to 5 p&d. We are driving 300 mile routes passing up awesome freight for a 10 stop run, when in half that time, fuel, human resources and energy could be back in the yard fully loaded in half the time. I'm lost with how all this is shaking out. Please explain.
Never gonna make heads or tails of their operation as it only makes sense in their heads for whatever reasons which is why I just work as directed and keep cashing the checks until I can’t
Its micro management. We pickup twice as much as we deliver yet our numbers are based on inbound freight so we miss around 15 pickups a day and some of those are swaps with 15+ shipments on it. Stop worrying so much about production and worry more about ohh idk making a profit.
The company OR is 90, so it is making money.
There is and old saying, " only a fool believes his own ideas".
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