Yellow | Rumor or Fact you be the judge !

We didn't get rid of him, he was up on his contract. We just didn't resign him. Just like Detroit didn't resign Johnny Damon, thank God.
IMO, they usually wear a blue work shirt, show up for work in dirty clothes, work 7 days a week without a day off, give up all the clock time on a daily basis, carries a laptop with two logbooks, always falsifying their logbooks, never uses safety, lacks communication skills with other former company co-workers, gives dirty looks to other former company co-workers, has a smile on face only when they know they screwed somebody over, don't care about the people laid off, has an augmented world of thinking his/her old tradition company is better than the other, always in a hurry, can never say No to the dispatcher, buys the dispatchers drinks, calls dispatch while driving to get more illegal work, always works out deals with management over the phone or behind the dispatch window while ratting on other co-workers to gain respect, never signs in or out on the sheet, drives/works over their hours illegally, running from the dispatch window to the truck without doing a pretrip inspection of the equipment, never goes to the shop to get equipment fixed, never greases 5th wheel on tractor or dolly, never records time for coupling/uncoupling a set, has to drive 650 miles each day, races other drivers to destination without taking a break, doesn't have a life outside company, and angered very easily when the truth hurts.
I feel the same way about it.......So every time I see a P-Jax driver, I tell them that they shouldn't be this way.:biglaugh:
Ok now I get it, for a minute I thought Spagetti was talking about Roadway drivers. Stupid me, he would never do that !!
Yep. I wanted to clarify that. I was just making sure that he wasn't trying to drive a wedge between the yellow and blue drivers.:sign0024::6799:
Noodles is just can't get over the fact that Roadway wouldn't hire him way back when and he had to go bum around at Yellow.
I feel the same way about it.......So every time I see a P-Jax driver, I tell them that they shouldn't be this way.:biglaugh:
See NF, you read the information on the post, just fine. Now do you see why I have to use youtube for the other viewers? :biglaugh:
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is it true

the stockholders in the 10 k filed made o dollars.: if this is true i wouldnt stay at this job
Wow, nice network.

YRC Worldwide Scales Out Supply Chain Operations with Isilon | Isilon Systems

The company even receives an award.

Material Handling Wholesaler

I wonder what the award was for?

Hmm, imagine that? Now where have I seen this new technology before? Oh, I know where.

Employment Opportunities - Company - L-1 Identity Solutions

YouTube - L-1 3D Face Reader Solutions Video - Condensed Version

I guess there's no need to keep the restructuring plan a big secret, anymore. :biglaugh:
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Wow, this is a nice network for the restructuring process.

YRC Worldwide Scales Out Supply Chain Operations with Isilon | Isilon Systems

The company even receives an award.

Material Handling Wholesaler

I wonder what the award was for?

Hmm, imagine that? Now where have I seen this new technology before? Oh, I know where.

Employment Opportunities - Company - L-1 Identity Solutions

YouTube - L-1 3D Face Reader Solutions Video - Condensed Version

The CSA 2010, 7 Step Program.

Relax everyone, the company has Step #4 covered from the link above, with this link below.

Not to worry, I'm sure there will be some of those male body-building medical staff members on site, for that special doctor's appointment, just in case. The technology will be used for this too.

GovernmentIDNews | Transportation worker ID moving ahead

I guess there's no need to keep the restructuring plan a big secret, anymore. :2437:
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