ODFL | Safety Bonus (direct deposit)


TB Lurker
First, I really am not at all complaining about my bonus. I understand ODFL doesn't have to do that. I just hope next year they go back to a check instead of direct deposit.I for one hide my bonus from my wife and she always gets something unexpected for Christmas. Now I'll have to tell her how much I spent on her before Christmas. Hopefully this simple issue will have a simple fix if I'm blessed enough to be here and lucky enough to stay out of trouble for another year.
I have only 8 months in with OD, We got a bonus? i didn't notice anything in my account but i might have missed out by not being here a year, please enlighten me
Not gonna happen. Soon you won't get a pay stub. Your gonna have to get it off the computer at terminal. They won't go back to issuing "live checks".

For the others....you get a safety bonus if you have no accidents from Nov 1 to Oct 31. It's a sliding scale. More accident free years, the more money.......gotta go lunch break ending .......
Check's are a sign of the past.We will not get a paper stub here in the near future.You will be able to go to a secured OD sight to view paycheck stub.Everything will be direct deposit
First, I really am not at all complaining about my bonus. I understand ODFL doesn't have to do that. I just hope next year they go back to a check instead of direct deposit.I for one hide my bonus from my wife and she always gets something unexpected for Christmas. Now I'll have to tell her how much I spent on her before Christmas. Hopefully this simple issue will have a simple fix if I'm blessed enough to be here and lucky enough to stay out of trouble for another year.
Yep&when you do loose.You got'a start all over
Not gonna happen. Soon you won't get a pay stub. Your gonna have to get it off the computer at terminal. They won't go back to issuing "live checks".

For the others....you get a safety bonus if you have no accidents from Nov 1 to Oct 31. It's a sliding scale. More accident free years, the more money.......gotta go lunch break ending .......
Hard check makes it easier for some, I don't care myself. Know a couple guys use it for "My buys or for other purposes". Actually had a few talking about what they were cashing it in on today, oh, well.
Well if its direct deposit some say the Wife see it as money in the bank and you cant use it for what ever we want ..Some guys say they take alittle and put the rest in the bank before wife knows..lol. For me its fine either way..but I don't like now they tax the crap out of it ..I like the old way when they just took alittle from you.
Get a different bank account from the wife!! Problem solved. If she complains, just tell her to take a hike! I'm sure she'll understand. Right, right?
Well if its direct deposit some say the Wife see it as money in the bank and you cant use it for what ever we want ..Some guys say they take alittle and put the rest in the bank before wife knows..lol. For me its fine either way..but I don't like now they tax the crap out of it ..I like the old way when they just took alittle from you.

They used to tell us they taxed it at the gift rate.
i have savings at the credit union, the first two hundred went there Yeah!!, Tax rates on the "gift" from the company is 25% right off the top , and the the rest is taxed at the regular rate. it is gov't extortion .
i have savings at the credit union, the first two hundred went there Yeah!!, Tax rates on the "gift" from the company is 25% right off the top , and the the rest is taxed at the regular rate. it is gov't extortion .

Isn't it nice how they think a bonus is unearned and they can come take a bigger slice of the pie? I'm sorry, but my safe driving EARNED that bonus. I should get every penny.
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