SAIA | Saia 2011 favorite person

Good luck in Atlanta with that new weasel as your manager, he will lie to your face, stab you in the back. also your are welcome: from all of us in the Denver terminal for your award. Oh I forgot you loaded the trucks, drove the truck, fix the trucks, made the sales calls all by yourself. Good luck DD :17113:
i was hoping with a new tm, there would be a drop in me constantly missing my cut time. i was wrong....same ole song and dance. i guess a tm of a break doesn't get his ass chewed for late cuts/departs like the tm at my terminal does. as far as him as a person, can't comment b/c i've only spoken with him briefly when he was walking around introucing himself.
Well, now one of the linehaul dispatchers transferred there to run the dock. Wonder if it'll help. Hope so. Pretty good guy.
I thought DD was a good guy, I had heard decent things about him.
You are talking about Casey, right? That's what I heard anyway. He use to be a stacker in the GVL/CLT area of the dock. Good guy who did his job very well and moved up b/c of it.