I was going to start a new thread to ask a question, but maybe I could ask it now. Our dispatchers don't won't let us take breaks and if we do take our breaks, they will set you up by putting a forklift in a trailer, hide it in the yard and say the driver stold it, and sold it to a customer. That really happened, and dispatch got away with lieing. They have been putting haz mat on trailers with no paperwork, giving drivers paperwork and not putting haz mat on manifest or trailer. Haz mat on trailers that is not properly marked. How can it go threw R&L system and nobody catch it. If the driver catches it and says something to dock supervisors or dispatchers, they look at him as a trouble maker and will mess with the driver any chance they get. We get 2 trailers a day going to an acct and its haz mat load. You might have 20 bills in your possession and placarded. Out of the 20 bills, only 15 are physically on your trailer. The other trailer has the 5 bills, and its not on that manifest. If a driver says something about it, he is a trouble maker. Dispatch talks down to certain drivers, and blame them for everything, if they did it or not. It was funny one day because 2 drivers were saying dispatch/management blame them for global warming, snow storms hit the area they just blame the drivers and say it was our fault, we did a snow dance to slow up there operation. Before dispatch puts haz mat on my trailer without bills, or not properly packaged, labeled, or I have bills but no haz mat on trailer, my question is, who do I call in a situation like that? Do I call safety? Then wait for retailation from dispatch. Or do I call OSHA? They keep my name private from what I was told and no retailiation from dispatch. When I watch all this, I just get the assumption that they don't know nothing in that office. Or they don't care and are looking to set drivers up. There not trying to be trouble makers or let dispatch get away with it or let them do drivers like that. When there back is up against the wall should safety be called or OSHA?