Yellow | sleep apnea

99% of the time you will not have problems sleeping without the machine. Remember that you are not required to take the test because you are having any symptoms or discomfort. Sleep Apnea is a like silent killer. Every night you sleep and stop breathing for short periods of time does damage to your heart and your brain which leads to heart attack and stroke. Most people that die from sleep apnea do so in their sleep from cardiac arrest or stroke. I'm speaking knowledge of 35 years from inter acting with doctors and nurses and respiratory therapist who treat this condition. Not trying to scare anyone and surely I agree with you to each his/her own. I am just providing some information that may be helpful to anyone who choose to use it. Its totally obvious to me that you have not thoroughly researched the condition of sleep apnea. Good luck to you and may God be with you.

In 2003 my cousin's 41 year old son died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack brought on by sleep apnea. He was fit and not at all over weight. A totally unexpected situation for sure.
In 2003 my cousin's 41 year old son died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack brought on by sleep apnea. He was fit and not at all over weight. A totally unexpected situation for sure.

Weight is just one contributing factor of sleep apnea. A neurologist once told me that by the time you are referred to see a doctor ( for sleep apnea ) the condition has went undiagnosed for so long that in 90% of the cases you will be required to wear C-Pap. Reggie White the football player died from complications caused by sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is not one of those medical conditions we routinely monitor. If you snore then you are most likely suffering from some degree of sleep apnea. it could be caused by neck size which restrict airway during sleep or other respiratory issues such as asthma or COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ). I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 10 years ago before DOT began monitoring it as a safety issue for drivers due to increasing sleep at the wheel accidents or falling unconscious & heart attacks by drivers while driving. I was a tad bit over weight with other contributing factors also like asthma. After losing 50+ pounds and starting a simple regular cardio routine of walking about 30 minutes on a treadmill or around my neighborhood 3 or 4 times per week. I no longer suffer from sleep apnea.
Good Luck Guys
The thing that bothers me the most is I have a brother who is quite a bit bigger than me, I think he has like a twenty three inch neck and he has been on a machine for a very long time. So long that the flapper in your throat for breathing has pretty much become ineffective because it does not get used and now when he happens to dose off in his chair he starts gasping and gagging and you swear he is going to die, I mean it is scary bad.
Plus once you get put on that machine you never get off, I guess I will start practicing for my new job at the drive thru windows at McDonalds.
I am living proof that you can get off c-pap if you lose weight, change eating habits, & most of all change your lifestyle of sitting more than moving. You got to get some kind of exercise at least 30 minutes a day 3 times per week. Like my family doctor once told me if you only do 20 pushups off the kitchen counter before you go in the fridge that would be better than nothing and the guilt will make you do more. In other words one has to start before one can progress towards his goal.