Yellow | Some Interesting Facts That Happened At 318 Bolingbrook

Kennesaw Kid

TB Legend
Super Moderator
Passing this On From The Author..........KK

Just some interesting facts that happened at the 318 Bolingbrook meeting with our District Vice President this morning. After being told that anything but a yes vote results in immediate bankruptcy, I asked one simple question. "What was YRC's debt at the start of the original MOU compared to their current debt today?" This question was followed by the usual hemming and hawing to avoid actually answering the question directly. They even tried to move to another question before I pressed my question again. They all claimed they didn't know actual numbers but isn't it their jobs to KNOW these numbers? So after some time the guy actually stated "YRC's debt is virtually the same today as it was at the original MOU over 4 years ago."

To which I asked, "How do we trust a company that has received over 3 BILLION dollars from employee concession (mostly teamster) yet has not addressed YRC debt which is the reason for the concession in the first place and where did over 3 BILLION dollars go?" The answer: "Operational costs." !?! REALLY !?! And that is when it hit me like a ton of bricks.

If anyone else has noticed when they discuss the "LOOMING PAYMENTS" that have to be made in February and then again this summer, they are always careful to say "INTEREST" payments. They have never, nor will they ever attack the principle of the loans. Over 4 years have past, thousands of jobs lost, and an intent has been manifested to never address the root of the MOU in the first place. On top of all that, YRC management has proven to be the best in one field. MISMANAGEMENT!!! Didn't the current management team blame the previous team for the reason we are in trouble today? Yet the current management team has had over two years to set some sort of correction and have completely FAILED to do so.

If what we are being told is the truth regarding the negative vote resulting in bankruptcy, then I say it is time. If you had a basket of apples and notice one is rotting, you take the bad apple and toss it before it has a chance to spoil all the apples in the bunch.

YES the idea of starting over really sucks. YES our future is uncertain to say the least. But I believe we are in a Titanic type situation. We have hit the iceberg and we are going to sink regardless of any actions at this point. One cannot pay interest only on loans forever. Yet this is the mentality of the Captain of the YRC ship.

I will hold my head high and stand fast on my belief that YRC management, past and present, are the sole cause of our company's demise. I will VOTE NO and retain my pride as I set out looking for a better place of employment for me and my family. Remember one thing. Just because YRC files bankruptcy does not mean they have to close the doors. That is the choice they are making. And even if they do close the doors, the freight within their system does not just dry up and disintegrate. It is released into other systems thereby creating jobs that are not currently available without absorbing YRC's freight. So have faith brothers and sisters and retain your dignity as we go through this very difficult time. VOTE NO!!!
I will not lose my ******* dignity by voting yes. You can say it one or two more times before you really start TO **** ME OFF! We all know that management fubarred our company. 50,000 dollars a year driving a forklift-where else you gonna find that?
I think we TEAMSTERS have given more than enough for this company....they need to figure out another way or go ahead and close. We need to stop this race to the bottom.....once we go down the rest of the ltl industry will be flush with freight for quite some time. Hopefully most of us land at a better place than where we are now...
We also got the same ra-ra speech in Joliet this morning by our Tm and labor guy....they pretty much got a collective "get f###ed--go ahead and close"
I will not lose my ******* dignity by voting yes. You can say it one or two more times before you really start TO **** ME OFF! We all know that management fubarred our company. 50,000 dollars a year driving a forklift-where else you gonna find that?
Could somebody interpret that for me?
pride don't feed the bulldog, or pay the bills.
anywhere else i go and do the same work, top rate is 16-18 bucks, starting well below that on the bottom, zero vac, bennies, etc.
Read the first line in red Kawikid.....I did not write it....someone else did and I passed it do the same........KK
Passing this On From The Author..........KK

Just some interesting facts that happened at the 318 Bolingbrook meeting with our District Vice President this morning. After being told that anything but a yes vote results in immediate bankruptcy, I asked one simple question. "What was YRC's debt at the start of the original MOU compared to their current debt today?" This question was followed by the usual hemming and hawing to avoid actually answering the question directly. They even tried to move to another question before I pressed my question again. They all claimed they didn't know actual numbers but isn't it their jobs to KNOW these numbers? So after some time the guy actually stated "YRC's debt is virtually the same today as it was at the original MOU over 4 years ago."

To which I asked, "How do we trust a company that has received over 3 BILLION dollars from employee concession (mostly teamster) yet has not addressed YRC debt which is the reason for the concession in the first place and where did over 3 BILLION dollars go?" The answer: "Operational costs." !?! REALLY !?! And that is when it hit me like a ton of bricks.

If anyone else has noticed when they discuss the "LOOMING PAYMENTS" that have to be made in February and then again this summer, they are always careful to say "INTEREST" payments. They have never, nor will they ever attack the principle of the loans. Over 4 years have past, thousands of jobs lost, and an intent has been manifested to never address the root of the MOU in the first place. On top of all that, YRC management has proven to be the best in one field. MISMANAGEMENT!!! Didn't the current management team blame the previous team for the reason we are in trouble today? Yet the current management team has had over two years to set some sort of correction and have completely FAILED to do so.

If what we are being told is the truth regarding the negative vote resulting in bankruptcy, then I say it is time. If you had a basket of apples and notice one is rotting, you take the bad apple and toss it before it has a chance to spoil all the apples in the bunch.

YES the idea of starting over really sucks. YES our future is uncertain to say the least. But I believe we are in a Titanic type situation. We have hit the iceberg and we are going to sink regardless of any actions at this point. One cannot pay interest only on loans forever. Yet this is the mentality of the Captain of the YRC ship.

I will hold my head high and stand fast on my belief that YRC management, past and present, are the sole cause of our company's demise. I will VOTE NO and retain my pride as I set out looking for a better place of employment for me and my family. Remember one thing. Just because YRC files bankruptcy does not mean they have to close the doors. That is the choice they are making. And even if they do close the doors, the freight within their system does not just dry up and disintegrate. It is released into other systems thereby creating jobs that are not currently available without absorbing YRC's freight. So have faith brothers and sisters and retain your dignity as we go through this very difficult time. VOTE NO!!!

Is there anybody forcing you to stay?
Why vote people out of a job and going on unemployment for less than $600/ month and pay $1400 or so for cobra?
Why play God?
Why not brave it alone instead of taking it on yourself to send 22000 out looking for crappier jobs than this all at the same time?
Why not let the ones stay who want to stay?
If ya want more go get it.
Nobody forces you to stay yet you force all to go.
Its not a contract negotiation.
There is no strike.
Nobody's crossing a picket line.

The 7000 who voted to keep their jobs aren't forcing anything on you. There won't be a strike and they come back with a better offer after a few weeks.
Why not let them stay and you leave?
You don't have to give yrc nothing.
But you only take from your brothers by hardness of heart and choice.

There is no dignity in the nonunion world as far as your teamster dignity goes.
There is no dignity in joblessness and not being able to pay your bills. Most of us can pay them now
It is greed which makes one want to close a place which pays a livable wage and then some.
They don't have money forraises.
Its not our job to manage the place.
If ya can find better go on. Don't take everyone down.
Those who went before ya left a union for you. Leave it for those who want it.
It took me a long time to get a union job. Its the best I ever had. The others don't come close...go find out what I already know. Those jobs are no good.

I've read that you only have 3 years to go or so.
You get social security, a pension, plus possibly a 2nd one for being an official.
Those of us in our 40's may not get anything like that.....we may have to work till we're dead.
At least leave us what's left of a union job.
There's no hope in that other world full of rats who like to make themselves look good by getting guys fired. There's no pride in them jobs. No dignity.
If ya hate it move on.
Your generation didn't leave many union jobs.....can ya just leave one?
Go on find out how great it is out there and how much dignity there is when they fire at will and takeat will.

Your no vote did good.
It cchanged a few things....but the next no is no good.
Could somebody interpret that for me?

KK loves to equate dignity with a no vote. He thinks closing YRC and putting us out of work is dignified. I disagree. Get it now, boss?

His answer to your question is unequivocal and factual.

I will add a thought or two. There are several indignant no voters who enjoy drawing an analogy of a battle field (fox holes). But in the military you do NOT DISOBEY. At best it is insubordination, at worst it is mutiny. You DO NOT have the luxury of picking and choosing which orders to obey. Your leadership is telling you to approve this proposal. So either follow advice or quit comparing this to military action.
And along similar lines. You complain that the Teamsters aren't organizing. All your carping about how our leadership is weak AND dishonest really helps, NOT!
Regardless of the outcome I will retain my dignity. I hope that everyone else does too. But keep in mind that dignity comes from within, NOT from union affiliation.
point is just that , they have not paid down any debt , even after givebacks and selling off everything they could !!!
The author takes it like its his duty to close the place.
I've been told since the last offer that its a lights on/lights off vote.
Its not a vote to get anything back or get more.
You won't hurt Welch the banks or the IBT with a no.
Only your brothers. The rest will still be fine.
All that freight will go to the nonunions who put us here. You reward them with a no.
One more no vote might do some more good.....might close the doors. Obviously a majority of us have already reached our breaking point.....the remaining yes voters have not. I'm sure this vote will be closer than the last one...the company top dogs are no dummies! They gave back just enough to try and get a simple majority yes vote...and they might get it. If so be it. Nothing to have a grabber over...
Is there anybody forcing you to stay?
Why vote people out of a job and going on unemployment for less than $600/ month and pay $1400 or so for cobra?
Why play God?
Why not brave it alone instead of taking it on yourself to send 22000 out looking for crappier jobs than this all at the same time?
Why not let the ones stay who want to stay?
If ya want more go get it.
Nobody forces you to stay yet you force all to go.
Its not a contract negotiation.
There is no strike.
Nobody's crossing a picket line.

The 7000 who voted to keep their jobs aren't forcing anything on you. There won't be a strike and they come back with a better offer after a few weeks.
Why not let them stay and you leave?
You don't have to give yrc nothing.
But you only take from your brothers by hardness of heart and choice.

There is no dignity in the nonunion world as far as your teamster dignity goes.
There is no dignity in joblessness and not being able to pay your bills. Most of us can pay them now
It is greed which makes one want to close a place which pays a livable wage and then some.
They don't have money forraises.
Its not our job to manage the place.
If ya can find better go on. Don't take everyone down.
Those who went before ya left a union for you. Leave it for those who want it.
It took me a long time to get a union job. Its the best I ever had. The others don't come close...go find out what I already know. Those jobs are no good.

I've read that you only have 3 years to go or so.
You get social security, a pension, plus possibly a 2nd one for being an official.
Those of us in our 40's may not get anything like that.....we may have to work till we're dead.
At least leave us what's left of a union job.
There's no hope in that other world full of rats who like to make themselves look good by getting guys fired. There's no pride in them jobs. No dignity.
If ya hate it move on.
Your generation didn't leave many union jobs.....can ya just leave one?
Go on find out how great it is out there and how much dignity there is when they fire at will and takeat will.

Your no vote did good.
It cchanged a few things....but the next no is no good.

Hey "Alwaysaslave"(your new name), the last NO vote was supposed to be "No good," remember? That's what they told us. A NO vote and they close. You always assume that the no voters don't like it here, so we should just leave. That is not the case, at least for me. For 24 years, I loved loading trailers. I was not fond of the conditions (weather), but I loved piecing together freight to fit snugly in a box. Have you ever loaned a friend money because you believed he was hurting financially, only to find that he just bought a new car(or something of value)? That is what the upper management has done. They have taken from us (yes because a majority voted for it), and pi**ed the money away. You can call it dignity, or whatever you want, but how far do we have to sink before this is no longer a good paying job with good benefits. The more we bow down, the more they will take. Growing up, how many times did you have to be bullied before you stood up for yourself and fought back. We will NEVER organize another freight company, because we have nothing to promise them. We can't even sell the notion of solidarity. The only selling point is, we can get your job back if you screw up. Can't promise good wages, because we give them back. Can't promise a retirement, because we gave it back. Vacation? Nope, we gave it back. If you haven't seen the writing on the wall from this company, years ago, you're either blind or dumb. Why do you need another 5 years to find a different career. You should have started in 2009. :452::452:
His answer to your question is unequivocal and factual.

I will add a thought or two. There are several indignant no voters who enjoy drawing an analogy of a battle field (fox holes). But in the military you do NOT DISOBEY. At best it is insubordination, at worst it is mutiny. You DO NOT have the luxury of picking and choosing which orders to obey. Your leadership is telling you to approve this proposal. So either follow advice or quit comparing this to military action.
And along similar lines. You complain that the Teamsters aren't organizing. All your carping about how our leadership is weak AND dishonest really helps, NOT!
Regardless of the outcome I will retain my dignity. I hope that everyone else does too. But keep in mind that dignity comes from within, NOT from union affiliation.

What leadership our you referring to? Just wondering.
Hey "Alwaysaslave"(your new name), the last NO vote was supposed to be "No good," remember? That's what they told us. A NO vote and they close. You always assume that the no voters don't like it here, so we should just leave. That is not the case, at least for me. For 24 years, I loved loading trailers. I was not fond of the conditions (weather), but I loved piecing together freight to fit snugly in a box. Have you ever loaned a friend money because you believed he was hurting financially, only to find that he just bought a new car(or something of value)? That is what the upper management has done. They have taken from us (yes because a majority voted for it), and pi**ed the money away. You can call it dignity, or whatever you want, but how far do we have to sink before this is no longer a good paying job with good benefits. The more we bow down, the more they will take. Growing up, how many times did you have to be bullied before you stood up for yourself and fought back. We will NEVER organize another freight company, because we have nothing to promise them. We can't even sell the notion of solidarity. The only selling point is, we can get your job back if you screw up. Can't promise good wages, because we give them back. Can't promise a retirement, because we gave it back. Vacation? Nope, we gave it back. If you haven't seen the writing on the wall from this company, years ago, you're either blind or dumb. Why do you need another 5 years to find a different career. You should have started in 2009. :452::452:

Closing the place will make it more difficult to organize than any of the other weaknesses. I've said it before and will again. A lot of people don't want unions because they don't want the place closing.
Repeatedly doing what it takes whilst still having good work rules and great benefits shows that we are not here to ruin the place but work with the company to survive. Working with and not against is a strength not a weakness.
Right now FedEx and Conway are actively telling their people that it is all our fault what's happening here according to a friend who is talking to some of them about the union.....closing a lace by choice is the ultimate setup the no voters are going for.
It will be used to scare people into never joining.
Hoffa did the right thing by helping YRC.
Its better to be seen as helping than hurting.
We have some real weak teamsters here.If we had the same folks back when the Teamsters started.As we do here.This organization wouldve never got off the ground

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I will not lose my ******* dignity by voting yes. You can say it one or two more times before you really start TO **** ME OFF! We all know that management fubarred our company. 50,000 dollars a year driving a forklift-where else you gonna find that?
A forklift operator with no other special skills wont.Why are some people so hell bent on the company closing now?Everyone knew about the huge debt for years now, so why didnt some of you start looking for another job?Why not just ride it out and see what happens?In the mean time start looking for another job if you think your getting screwed that bad and cant take it anymore? It is what it is and i dont see how YRC closing will be better for anyone except for the guys that work at companies that will gain from this like ABF
Nice knowing you guys....I'm jumping ship! Atleast I will have a head start. It may not sink this weekend, but it is going to sink. Our equipment for most is junk at best. Trailers just as bad. Where's the money for them coming from. Computers soon required millions there. It's been real....