Estes | Straight Pay In CT?


TB Lurker
I just want to be sure as I think of this again. I worked in the Northford terminal in CT when there was a lot of shady stuff going on. Estes is straight time? I was working 16 to 18 hour days there (roughly 6 years ago) and who knows if some of the hours didnt go into others pockets... but really? straight time?
What I am asking is..... Is it correct that I was being paid straight time? Or was I making time and a half on EIGHTEEN hour days and it was being funneled into sombodys pocket....
Im not complaining, I am asking....
I just want to be sure as I think of this again. I worked in the Northford terminal in CT when there was a lot of shady stuff going on. Estes is straight time? I was working 16 to 18 hour days there (roughly 6 years ago) and who knows if some of the hours didnt go into others pockets... but really? straight time?

Why are you still concerned about Estes?You're gone.Or,let me are more concerned about the Estes employees,right.

Don't worry, we got it under control. If we need you,:shift: we'll be in touch.
All those companies up in the top right part of the country should pay alot more. I wouldn't drive for any company up that way. But that's just me. It's funny how folks used to ask me if I recieved 1 1/2x pay.(they already knew the answer before the question) When I said "no!" they would stand proudly and say, "I don't know how you do it. I wouldn't work for any company that didn't pay that." If I were a fly on the wall i'd bet i'd see those same folks showing up at my terminal weekly begging for a job right now.
What I am asking is..... Is it correct that I was being paid straight time? Or was I making time and a half on EIGHTEEN hour days and it was being funneled into sombodys pocket....
Im not complaining, I am asking....

You don't know what you were getting paid? Thats just goofy, I know exactly what I'm paid, always have, how could you not know?
Was it in CT? Apparently the employment laws are pretty lax there and the working population isn't that bright.

Yea, It seem's it takes him over 6 years to count. He must have been an accountant at one of these going broke companies at one time or another.
What I am asking is..... Is it correct that I was being paid straight time? Or was I making time and a half on EIGHTEEN hour days and it was being funneled into sombodys pocket....
Im not complaining, I am asking....

one time a band camp .....
I'm glad you've moved on. talk about holding on to the past
nahh just an idiot

If i was building a case against Estes I wouldn't do it on a message board.