FedEx Freight | Teamster Corruption? Say it isn't so!

Go on . The articles say it all. I wish people would be informed about both sides instead of blindly believing what the union say.

Lets wait and see what comes out of the investigation and if local 710 has a couple bad apples then they will be removed and replaced with who ever the membership VOTES in. Your innocent till proven guilty in this country unless you work at FEDEX FREIGHT.
All I have to say is.
I don't always illegally transport drugs but when I do I'm driving a fedex truck.

I have to say that is pretty funny........I do not believe these these charges will stick. If they do stick for some reason the entire transportation industry will be changed. Everything shipped will have to be checked to make sure it is the product described.
TDU a trash site, just like Fox News

Unrelated trashing like that does not help the cause. Independent studies repeatedly show less bias in the NEWS portion of fox than any other network.

If we pit unrelated groups against each other, we'll loose unnecessarily. Devisive topics like Obama, Bush, religion, sex, politics, abortion, etc, have almost no place in this debate. We actually want that left/right wing, gay, atheist, tea party/liberal, PETA, deer hunter, vegetarian voter, you might alienate. Focus on the topic at hand is crucial for this cause, in my opinion. Just my 2 cents.
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TDU has their own agenda, they are the tea party on steroids faction of the Teamsters.
Tell me, do you accept everything Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity say as being the unvarnished, unbiased truth?