Yellow | The Smith System can save you from YRC


TB Lurker
When reading the employment ads: KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING
When answering the ads.............: MAKE SURE THEY SEE YOU
Don't take just any job...............: ALWAYS LEAVE YOURSELF AN OUT
Don't take a part time job...........: GET THE BIG PICTURE
Looking into the future...............: AIM HIGH IN STEERING
The best thing about it was my insurance company gave me 5% off my rates since it was considered a safety course. Might as well use it for something positive.
Crusher's got the right ideal. Other than that? The smith system is nothing more than insurance Ind Standards. The problem with "standards" is that they do not conform to every problem you run into on the road.
The other thing is I don't need the "Smith " system or any other "system" telling me how to drive a truck.
I could go on & on but I'll leave it there.
When reading the employment ads: KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING
When answering the ads.............: MAKE SURE THEY SEE YOU
Don't take just any job...............: ALWAYS LEAVE YOURSELF AN OUT
Don't take a part time job...........: GET THE BIG PICTURE
Looking into the future...............: AIM HIGH IN STEERING

As with EVERYTHING in life.