We're in agreement on that. They went back on their word, but I can guarantee you they asked for a continuance so they could make just a tad bit more money to boost that last quarter earnings report. I think some "good news" will come out about a week before the elections this year. That will give the Teamsters enough time to tout the victory as a people's labor party victory and rally the troops to vote in the candidates running for the office of "Royal Order of the Teat".
I'm also still pissed that UPS let their employees transfer between terminals for several years after the buyout, then came out with a no-transfer policy and any time you put in the company at another terminal suddenly no longer counted towards company time when the contract specifically says your company seniority starts with the day you are hired and enter probation. If they allowed folks to transfer before with no penalty and no warning that their time would never count again, then they should have allowed them to keep their company seniority frozen to their current terminal at the time the contract was signed. That ruling came much later and it screwed a lot of drivers, especially some that were ready to retire in about a year. For that reason alone, I hope everyone involved in that backroom decision suffers immeasurably in all ways, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Wives leaving their husbands, come back with AIDS, the clap, [insert social disease or terminal malaise here], and leave them again. You know, the stuff that causes only the most miserable of suffering. I want them waking up with spiders crawling out of their penises. Every night. Forever.
I used to be a good person when I worked for Overnite because that company did us right and I was PROUD to work for them. Working for UPS Freight has left me a bitter, empty shell of a human being that is tired of constantly falling under the tread of the big, brown tire. I truly wish that Leo Suggs had just shut the doors and paid us what was owed to us for our vestments in the pension and let us go. We could all be 5 years into another job and probably a lot happier. I need a beer. Sorry I'm a buzzkill tonight.