Urban Combat Zone


TB Veteran
Hi guys,
Today at work wasn't really a hard day actually I didn't know I had work at all until they called me at 6:30am asking me if I got there message, of which I did not receive it. They said no problem just come on in, will run you out to where you need to go.

So I ran into work which took me 45 minutes to get to. Any how I got to go on the Urban Combat Zone route today out in the hood. This route requires 2 people at all times because they need someone to guard the truck trailer so nobody steals a case of Old English or something stupid like that. We only had like 14 stops and the case count at each stop was pretty light. I think because of the holiday coming up stores are ordering light this week and then next week they will order heavy. I was helping the normal driver on the route it was no big deal.

Any how I got to stand outside and guard the trailer and go into all the convenient stores that I under normal circumstances would not even dare to stop at nor would I want to.

Those stores order a ton of that Carlo Rossi cheap wine a ton ton ton of it. I had to keep the doors on the trailer closed at all times even if there was nothing in the trailer the driver said "You don't want these people to get any ideas."

Any how we stopped to make a delivery at this gas station and I'm out putting product on my wheeler and I hear this woman standing in line at the convenience store cussing out the clerk I mean she used every word in the dictionary and was so loud you could hear here from a block. She was going off like an atom bomb. Then another woman was saying "Okay okay honey calm down calm down now." She was just screaming some nonsensical none sense. Eventually the calmer woman got her to leave the store and they drove away.

The driver said to me "You hear her going off in there." I said "Sure do." The whole time I thought to myself, what did that all accomplish this woman went off on this tangent and got absolutely nothing out of it. It got her totally nowhere. I guess that's life in the hood, I guess...

Actually the day went alright for the most part they leave you alone and so far so good. Now the one thing that gives me a little hope is, the driver I was with today hasn't been with the company all that long he said March 31 was when he started and he's already off the extra board on a regular route, now obviously it's not apples to apples he's on one of the most dangerous routes in the system, but he's doing it and said it beats the extra board.
We lost the city school contract last year, it doesn't bother me that we don't have to go to those schools anymore, but what bothers me is that our service of the schools made them switch companies. We had to go by ourselves, and a number of times they would get in the trailer and take stuff, you know, probably just because they could, maybe they were hungry I dunno, when I attended the city schools, I was poor enough to get a free breakfast and lunch vouchers. One place was particularly bad, I call it Gangsta Academy. Another place I was delivering to, shots rang out in the distance, I and two security guards on break were able to turn just in time to see the drive by car speeding off. No police came, at least not in the 45 minutes I was there. I guess they missed. If they do take something, let them go, you don't want to play the knock out game with them, if you give chase, there's probably a few more hoodlums waiting around the corner.
We lost the city school contract last year, it doesn't bother me that we don't have to go to those schools anymore, but what bothers me is that our service of the schools made them switch companies. We had to go by ourselves, and a number of times they would get in the trailer and take stuff, you know, probably just because they could, maybe they were hungry I dunno, when I attended the city schools, I was poor enough to get a free breakfast and lunch vouchers. One place was particularly bad, I call it Gangsta Academy. Another place I was delivering to, shots rang out in the distance, I and two security guards on break were able to turn just in time to see the drive by car speeding off. No police came, at least not in the 45 minutes I was there. I guess they missed. If they do take something, let them go, you don't want to play the knock out game with them, if you give chase, there's probably a few more hoodlums waiting around the corner.

That's pretty much it, you people want to steal some cheap beer and a jug of cheap wine, I'm not risking my life over that, go ahead and take it, just leave me alone. I was just going to ask you that, will people in the bad neighbor hoods climb in the Sysco trailer and pick up a case of what ever and steal it even if they really don't know what it is? Or will they look for something of value like ribs, or ground beef or dessert products?
About 15 yrs ago when I was working for Coke I had a Thursday route that ran up, down, and all around Quindaro Blvd. in Kansas City, KS.
For the most part I had no problems, the business owners over there depended on their deliveries to make money so they generally kept a lookout for all of us while we were working. One week, on the tail end of my route they added a convenience store in a better (relatively speaking) area of KCK at 25th/State Avenue.
I finished delivering and was checking the order with the manager when the clerk came down the aisle and said "Don't go outside they're messing with your truck I called the police". Great, I thought. Coke didnt care as long as we had a police report, just didnt want to deal with the hassle of waiting while an officer filled one out.
I go outside to see what's going on, a guy was taking a case of grape Fruitopia out of one of the bays just as a police car pulled in. Dude grabbed that case and HAULED A** down the street as one of KCK's finest ran after him. I have never in my life seen a human run that fast, much less with a case of 20oz bottles in his hands. Anyway, about a block down the guy must've thought the cop was getting too close so he threw the case so he could run faster...right in front of where a bus stop had dropped kids off. Picture a million little hands snatching bottles of Fruitopia and scattering in different directions. It was honestly all pretty funny, don't know if they wound up catching the guy or not, and in all only 2cs were missing from the truck. A different cop had shown up by now, and while filling out the police report told me I "really shouldn't be delivering in this part of town this time of day". The look on his face when I told him this was the best part of town I'd been in all day was priceless.
That does paint a funny picture. In my experience I think they grab whatever is easiest. It's probably more about the thrill. Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. so says Solomon, or someone.

Remember pay phones? I had a brother in law who guarded the money collected from the payphones. He wasn't responsible for protecting the driver, just the money. Well there was an attempted robbery one day, my (former) brother in law got him on the ground and had his pistol to his back. The idiot wouldn't stop moving and the gun went off, right into the fool's spine. Well, guess who lost his job for doing his job and guess who lost the ability to walk ever again and huge cash settlement for being a thief?

Ain't worth it bro, if the company can't take a little financial hit, it ain't suitable to work for nohow.
Hi guys,
Today at work wasn't really a hard day actually I didn't know I had work at all until they called me at 6:30am asking me if I got there message, of which I did not receive it. They said no problem just come on in, will run you out to where you need to go.

So I ran into work which took me 45 minutes to get to. Any how I got to go on the Urban Combat Zone route today out in the hood. This route requires 2 people at all times because they need someone to guard the truck trailer so nobody steals a case of Old English or something stupid like that. We only had like 14 stops and the case count at each stop was pretty light. I think because of the holiday coming up stores are ordering light this week and then next week they will order heavy. I was helping the normal driver on the route it was no big deal.

Any how I got to stand outside and guard the trailer and go into all the convenient stores that I under normal circumstances would not even dare to stop at nor would I want to.

Those stores order a ton of that Carlo Rossi cheap wine a ton ton ton of it. I had to keep the doors on the trailer closed at all times even if there was nothing in the trailer the driver said "You don't want these people to get any ideas."

Any how we stopped to make a delivery at this gas station and I'm out putting product on my wheeler and I hear this woman standing in line at the convenience store cussing out the clerk I mean she used every word in the dictionary and was so loud you could hear here from a block. She was going off like an atom bomb. Then another woman was saying "Okay okay honey calm down calm down now." She was just screaming some nonsensical none sense. Eventually the calmer woman got her to leave the store and they drove away.

The driver said to me "You hear her going off in there." I said "Sure do." The whole time I thought to myself, what did that all accomplish this woman went off on this tangent and got absolutely nothing out of it. It got her totally nowhere. I guess that's life in the hood, I guess...

Actually the day went alright for the most part they leave you alone and so far so good. Now the one thing that gives me a little hope is, the driver I was with today hasn't been with the company all that long he said March 31 was when he started and he's already off the extra board on a regular route, now obviously it's not apples to apples he's on one of the most dangerous routes in the system, but he's doing it and said it beats the extra board.

And here I always thought the whole city of Cleveland was an Urban Combat Zone. LOL