US Foods 10 wheelers


TB Veteran
Today I saw a US Foods 10 wheeler on I 90 east bound and a month or so ago I saw another one on I-480. Sysco Cleveland had a couple as well, but I haven't seen them in sometime they maybe retired.

Anyhow what are the 10 wheelers for? Do they figure instead of having a tractor and a 28' foot trailer and two separate pieces of equipment it's just easier to buy a 10 wheeler and have one piece of equipment. I mean they look like they could hold enough product to keep someone busy enough ha-ha!
Around here all the US straight jobs are 10 wheelers. They use them manly in the areas where the streets and alleyways are to tight for a trailer. I rarely ever see US pulling pups in this area. Most of the trailers I see are 36' and 48'.
Can't say I've ever seen a US 28 either. US Foods I was doing some reading is really a big mess of mergers and acquisitions and consolidations that took place in the 80's and 1990's. The 10 wheelers are kind of almost heritage in a way. If you look Sexton had a lot of 10 wheelers and really US Foods the big meat and potatoes of it no pun intended was S.E. Rykoff and Sexton merging together and forming Rykoff-Sexton which was owned by some company called JP Food Service and I think Sara Lee had a hand in it all too and then Rykoff-Sexton became US Food Service along the way they bought out all kinds of other companies the big one I can think of is Alliant.
We have 3 in Dallas and they are used mainly for deliveries in downtown Dallas and Ft.Worth.
I see them here in Cleveland now and then, US Foods in Cleveland runs a lot of big trailers, (to big for my liking ha-ha) I like GFS's fleet of 28' that's more of my speed ha-ha! Anyhow the 10 wheelers are in US Foods DNA!
John Sexton Company had quite a few of 32' 10 wheelers. I don't know though if S.E. Rykoff and had any, but the 10 wheelers are a throw back to the old Sexton Company days.