Vulture express


TB Regular
Hey we at Vulture express are hiring,come on over and pick some meat off the bones of a carcass,if that doesn't suit you then come on over to Cockroach Carries all the bugs you can eat,need I say more.:horse****:

These people are disgusting trying to bait you guys in if they have such great jobs how many have even heard of some of them.

I have been through 5 closures keep looking and get away from NCT do not help them deliver the rest of the freight or you will find yourself at one of these less desireable jobs.
You don't need a recruiter for a job youse guys all have the experience to back it up now go out and get a good job that your family will be proud of you for.

Check FedEx frt upsfrt Abf OD Duie Pyle,I would stay away from any of the YRC companies seeing how NCTs top executive were former YRC check collectors,it makes perfect sense why the ship sank,not claiming to know anything just an opinion,maybe they were good people maybe not.

Good Luck