Yellow | What have you heard about drug testing for ALL employees?

Word around my barn that Company next contract will be asking for random tests for all employees? Seems that other job sectors that have tried this "experiment" , job site injuries fell by almost 25%. Was this just a , coincidence ? What are the members thoughts on this? I:busted: personally think that the dock is much more dangerous than the yard, anyways.
Next contract,is there anything left of this one?
random drug testing of dock employees was a waste of money when done in the 80's. did not catch anybody, ate lots of hours, lab costs, and nobody was caught, not even the obvious drunks or dope heads.
When you go in for a random, say to the collector..... "I'm an adult and need a little assistance. You don't happen to have a video or magazine to help in the collection process do you?" It's usually good for a laugh. (They are human and enjoy a laugh also.)