ABF | What Truck is Pictured on New T-Shirt?

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You may have seen a new t-shirt titled "Here For The Long Haul" in the spring/summer catalog or at abf.com/store

There is a white Volvo with a sleeper and a 53 foot white trailer, with what looks like a ramp folded up underneath the trailer in stowage.

Is this just a stock photo thrown on an ABF t-shirt or is this truck really an abf truck?
That's what I was wondering, skylor, but I didn't think they would be pulling white vans, but maybe someone can clue us in. The coast to coast boast wouldn't apply, though. It should say Along The Coast or some such ;)
Yes it is the new sleepers for out west. To go from 165 to 145. Mostly we pull sets but on ocassions we have pulled 53' :6788:
thanks, mad trucker! Maybe you or someone could post a real pic some time so we can see what it really looks like.
We have been using rentals still. The new ones ABF bought should be in this week or the next 2 weeks. They are volvos 3 axels. 10 of them. 4 for 145 Portland & 6 for 165 san bernardino. And yes I will post a picture if someone could tell me how to on this site. Thanks