ABF | When freight was KING!

20 years ago I thought this was a decent career choice,...............
Me too.
Now at 40 all I can think about is how do I get out??,.......
I am glad I am not your age and I'm thinking more like counting the days 'til I can get out.
I was with a small company for the first half of my career, and I loved my job. Now at 60, the last time I have to get in a truck and try to do more with less can't come soon enough. This job has become a horror most of the time if you care about trying to do a good job.

I am glad I am not your age and I'm thinking more like counting the days 'til I can get out.

Right now the biggest problem is I am making too much money to leave,..........

But I know I can't do this another 20 years, No way,.......No how,............

If I can find a way out that is financially viable I'm gone,............
They have the foreign drivers and it will only be a matter of time until rich foreign owners start popping up here. Then what will all these greedy US CEO's do?
SOOOOOO glad I was able to get out when I had to. I thought I would be buried in a truck ( and almost was ). I miss the people I worked with and saw everyday but the I do not miss the job one bit.
We are only as good as our leadership.How is our showing thus far? Thought so.Dont forget national elections Nov4.With all the Ebola and Isis and Isil stuff.I think We Americans have forgotten Nov 4.
Right now the biggest problem is I am making too much money to leave,..........

But I know I can't do this another 20 years, No way,.......No how,............

If I can find a way out that is financially viable I'm gone,............
Me too to pretty much everything you said.
Although I am thinking a lot lately that a cut in pay wouldn't be all that bad to get out of the drive that I have and all the BS.
I know two guys that took a pretty big cut in pay to go to trucking jobs in different industries and 6 months later don't regret it a bit.
Is abf trying to put a freight guy in charge or is it just a SMOKE SCREEN? YOUR NON SMOKING BROTHER ALWAYS!
Well, we USED to be a Freight company,..........we've been a tool for day-traders, now, for the last year or so,.......Maybe we're going back to being a Freight company. Still need to unload a lot of top-heavy deadwood, though..........
We have some...ummmm...errrr.....uuhhhh middle heavy dead wood in my area. :hysterical:
Maybe freight is cleaning house.good bye all you union officials that sold us out. 957 started the ball rolling now let's not stop there.
It's about time...........Union officials that have had those jobs for so long, they begin to copy the tactics of the employers,.....they have the same condescending attitude toward the rank-and-file.....A good house-cleaning should be in order. Elect some honest ones who don't forget where they came from, and who they're supposed to serve and represent......(.....and if you have honest ones,....re-elect them. They're rare as diamonds in a trash-heap, and you want to keep them...)...
To all the Con-way and FedEx workers that are voting on becoming union or not. All that a union is for is to do their jobs and see that the CONTRACT THAT YOU HAMMER OUT IS FOLLOWED!
Don't listen too that BS from your companies that your better off dealing with them on your own. That has not worked and that is why they now FEAR YOUR RIGHT TO Organize. If you join the union and are not satisfied you can always decertify. I have seen many good reasons to be union and I have seen some bad union reps and I can tell you the bad ones will be weeded out and gotten rid of in the end.

Do what is best for your families and that would be to make the most money and best benefits that you can get. And since as an individual it is almost impossible to achieve the best. But has a strong unified group you will have a much better chance of success. So GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL. YOUR UNION BROTHER ALWAYS!
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