After reading a response on another thread about "this company keeping secret" the outcome of an accident investigation it got me thinking.
I have been out here now for 29 years, I have worked for hole in the wall companies where I had to even service my own truck and I have worked for huge companies (UPS brown)
Everyday in these threads you can read about how bad this company is, some cannot even complete a sentence without exclaiming some wrong that they percieve the company has committed. So my Question is, Where is the company that runs to the driver's side after an accident to assure him it was not his fault before the investigation is done? where is the company that shares with ALL their employees every detail of their investigation of an accident? Someone tell me the company that is better than Reddaway? that treats their employees better? I am not saying we do not have problems management needs to listen more and some need to be replaced, but some of you act like it is ONLY here! I had to take almost 3 months off this last year when I was diagnosed with leukemia, I did not qualify for FMLA due to the fact that there are less than 50 employees at my terminal and I am more than 100 mi. from the nearest terminal, this company told me to take all the time I needed...period. pretty heartless huh? When working for UPS brown (a union shop) I asked for 2 workdays off so I could fly to California to put my own father in a nursing home and was told I did not have the time coming and guys with more seniority were scheduled to be off those days so I could not have the time off, so I quit, I now had all the time I needed. So I ask where is this company that gives you all you want? please just one name of a company is all I want, there must be one that puts the needs of their employees above all else... but then, why would you still be here?
I have been out here now for 29 years, I have worked for hole in the wall companies where I had to even service my own truck and I have worked for huge companies (UPS brown)
Everyday in these threads you can read about how bad this company is, some cannot even complete a sentence without exclaiming some wrong that they percieve the company has committed. So my Question is, Where is the company that runs to the driver's side after an accident to assure him it was not his fault before the investigation is done? where is the company that shares with ALL their employees every detail of their investigation of an accident? Someone tell me the company that is better than Reddaway? that treats their employees better? I am not saying we do not have problems management needs to listen more and some need to be replaced, but some of you act like it is ONLY here! I had to take almost 3 months off this last year when I was diagnosed with leukemia, I did not qualify for FMLA due to the fact that there are less than 50 employees at my terminal and I am more than 100 mi. from the nearest terminal, this company told me to take all the time I needed...period. pretty heartless huh? When working for UPS brown (a union shop) I asked for 2 workdays off so I could fly to California to put my own father in a nursing home and was told I did not have the time coming and guys with more seniority were scheduled to be off those days so I could not have the time off, so I quit, I now had all the time I needed. So I ask where is this company that gives you all you want? please just one name of a company is all I want, there must be one that puts the needs of their employees above all else... but then, why would you still be here?