Actually you're wrong again. This will be the second time I've been displaced. I started in Kent Wa. Then was displaced to Shamrock Tx. Now they're closing the Shamrock yard, that has 122 runs I might add. And now I'm going to pull up stakes again and move. It's not fun but as long as Uncle Fred keeps signing my checks I'll keep going where he tells me to go. The door swings both ways here. You could go work for a union company. I'm sure that things are Skittles and Lollipops at Yellow right now. Oh yeah they're getting ready to layoff 40% of the drivers at USF and endtail the rest into Yellow. Ooopps no jobs there. If you weren't affected then another driver would be. You see, you don't give a damn what happens to other drivers as long as it's not YOU. But what you NEED to understand is to us YOU are the other driver. For those of you who are quitting, I sincerly thank you, because thats how many slots I'm moving up on the company board.