Yellow | Yellow Drivers Blacklisted...confirmed


TB Lurker
Just had confirmation that companies are blacklisting ex-YRC drivers. Spoke with a recruiter from heartland express and as soon as I mentioned that I worked at YRC he said they were not hiring any YRC drivers. He said this was a company policy that his managers had told him to follow. I asked him if it was because they were union and he just kept saying he didn't know he was just doing what management instructed him to do. I also asked if there were any other companies that were outright blacklisted and he said no. Only YRC at this time.

I had suspected this as usually trucking companies were quick to reply. I actually left YRC last year long before they closed and had many recruiters calling me and even had multiple offers in the works until they officially closed shop. Once that happened every company I've talked to has ghosted me. I've even had interviews where they said they wanted to hire me and then never hear anything back as I assume HR overrides the local office once they process me for the job.

Anyone else any experiences like this? Is this illegal? I've never heard of this. I was thinking of talking to a lawyer but not sure I could really prove anything.
Just had confirmation that companies are blacklisting ex-YRC drivers. Spoke with a recruiter from heartland express and as soon as I mentioned that I worked at YRC he said they were not hiring any YRC drivers. He said this was a company policy that his managers had told him to follow. I asked him if it was because they were union and he just kept saying he didn't know he was just doing what management instructed him to do. I also asked if there were any other companies that were outright blacklisted and he said no. Only YRC at this time.

I had suspected this as usually trucking companies were quick to reply. I actually left YRC last year long before they closed and had many recruiters calling me and even had multiple offers in the works until they officially closed shop. Once that happened every company I've talked to has ghosted me. I've even had interviews where they said they wanted to hire me and then never hear anything back as I assume HR overrides the local office once they process me for the job.

Anyone else any experiences like this? Is this illegal? I've never heard of this. I was thinking of talking to a lawyer but not sure I could really prove anything.
Goodlluck my lawsuit against SAIA over Union member discrimination was dismissed with prejudice by summary judgement.
Well think about , how many times did you hear both Line Haul & City driver's sit in break room on the clock & "" SAY ITS NOT MY JOB """ while on the clock getting paid !!!! So IF you was the HR Dept. for Patel LTL fast freight next day delivery to southern Iowa , would you hire a ex-yellow driver to just sit in break room & say its not my job ?? Sorry but work history & ethics karma happens ..............................
Well think about , how many times did you hear both Line Haul & City driver's sit in break room on the clock & "" SAY ITS NOT MY JOB """ while on the clock getting paid !!!! So IF you was the HR Dept. for Patel LTL fast freight next day delivery to southern Iowa , would you hire a ex-yellow driver to just sit in break room & say its not my job ?? Sorry but work history & ethics karma happens ..............................
Maybe wearing that "Pay the rate or lock the gate" t shirt to the interview wasn't a good idea.
And how many people have openly bragged about purposely slowing down and only giving 85% effort or less after the concessions were voted in? Certainly not everyone felt that way but enough did and they tainted the whole Yellow work force. Now it seems the chickens have come home to roost hurting everyone. As Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and it is us!" :duh:
And how many people have openly bragged about purposely slowing down and only giving 85% effort or less after the concessions were voted in? Certainly not everyone felt that way but enough did and they tainted the whole Yellow work force. Now it seems the chickens have come home to roost hurting everyone. As Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and it is us!" :duh:
Personally, I did my job efficiently and very well. Ask anybody. This sort of equals: Sorry your Ford is a lemon. That doesn't mean they all are. I was able to retire, but I know of plenty of hard-working people who couldn't. They too are being "black-balled".
Just had confirmation that companies are blacklisting ex-YRC drivers. Spoke with a recruiter from heartland express and as soon as I mentioned that I worked at YRC he said they were not hiring any YRC drivers. He said this was a company policy that his managers had told him to follow. I asked him if it was because they were union and he just kept saying he didn't know he was just doing what management instructed him to do. I also asked if there were any other companies that were outright blacklisted and he said no. Only YRC at this time.

I had suspected this as usually trucking companies were quick to reply. I actually left YRC last year long before they closed and had many recruiters calling me and even had multiple offers in the works until they officially closed shop. Once that happened every company I've talked to has ghosted me. I've even had interviews where they said they wanted to hire me and then never hear anything back as I assume HR overrides the local office once they process me for the job.

Anyone else any experiences like this? Is this illegal? I've never heard of this. I was thinking of talking to a lawyer but not sure I could really prove anything.
This absolutely stinks. Heartland Express and others will hire Abi Dabi’s, and other questionable non English speaking drivers, but not hire experienced drivers that have busted their butts off for a company. Unbelievable. I used to run into the flip flop brigade in the winter on Williamette Pass asking for me to chain them up. Yes, Heartland Express.
It's really unfortunate Noone could get that recorded on cell phone...sure play well on social media or the news. If someone could get that I could bubble that up to someone. Maybe it's not illegal but sure as ::shit:: immoral
My union busting corporation is pro union for everyone else
Actually if you look back into the history of the teamsters, what’s happening today concerning drivers, dock and other employees is exactly why the union gathered it’s momentum.
Driver’s being blackballed, benefits that ain’t worth a crap, face cameras, wage increases that stink and don’t give people a leg up on keeping up with the inflation, being a CDL holder that drives, works the dock, sweeps the floor, and does any other menial task. Upper management taking their inflated bonuses. Maybe if the teamsters would somewhat modernize their approach and start organizing companies, trucking would again be a premiere career again.
Just a observation. In all honesty, representation is needed. Hold the company’s accountable to a contract. A satisfied driver is a asset to the company. Upper management makes money, stockholders make money and the Men and Women that bust their butts make money.
Hold the company’s accountable to a contract. A satisfied driver is a asset to the company. Upper management makes money, stockholders make money and the Men and Women that bust their butts make money.
Yes, everybody can make good money IF there is no tolerance for free-loading. While the folks in the trenches are holding the company accountable, they must hold those sharing that trench accountable. Years (ahem, decades) of refusing to do so combined with everything is "management's fault" is exactly why many are finding themselves blackballed.