FedEx Freight | Yrc

11th hour

TB Lurker
rumor has it yrc is closing there doors this labor day weekend,i don't know how true this is,anybody hear the same thing?

More like the last 3 years. YRC isn't going anywhere just yet. Look at the Financials.

Trading volumes may seem high but when you take into acount the total number of shares out there, percentage wise it really isn't that much out of line with everyone else. The price is low but steady and the heavy hitters are holding not selling.
last time I looked was .26 cents, unchanged ...yessir ... thats low but steady alright.
I saw a roadway on the road yestarday ... first time in a month.
I admit ...I don't get out much. :hide:

but yrc just keeps hanging on, lotta of good people put in a life time of work there ..... :1036316054:
rumor has it yrc is closing there doors this labor day weekend,i don't know how true this is,anybody hear the same thing?

If you could go back to the old forum, the same thing was said a year ago about labor day weekend,LOL It aint happening

Don't believe anything ya hear, and only half of what ya see.:1036316054::thread:
Remember the new board of directers are all from the banks they owe. They need to make money if the banks want to recoup their money over a billion! They NEED to stay in business
No they are not going to close there doors on Labor Day. They have enough financial backing to last at least to the end of the year. If congress gives them the concessions on the pension plan, then your still talking about 300 million dollars a year to fully fund the pension plan. Since they have lost almost 400 million dollars this year so far, funding the pension plan is out of the question. Look for YRCW to ask the membership and the union for another 12 months deferment on the pension payment, and they will get it or go out of business. YRCW might throw the membership a bone and give back 5% of their wages. So says my crystal ball. TP
You can buy 10 shares of YRC stock, or go down to your local hamburger joint and get a happy meal and super size it. You will leave with a full tummy. If you hang on to the stock, the value will go down and you can trade it in for just a happy. No super size or meal, but it will be great for your diet. TP
Labor Day is when CF closed their doors.

I remember that. I was on my way in from the Hub in NY back to Massachusetts on the pike and saw a convoy of CF trucks and trailers. All different configurations. Twin pups, twin vans, Vans and pups hooked together....definitely the last breath.
We had just moved to Chicago and the day I went out to put in applications was the tuesday after labor day. As I am driving to the first place I was going to apply I heard CF had closed their doors and knew it was not going to be a good day to be applying for jobs
The reason CF closed on labor day was because of the insurance increase that year happened at that time. It was an insurence issue. ***** keep crying YRC is closing, but another holiday has come and gone, and YRC is still operating.