ABF | 2008 Negotiations

What Would U Guys Like To See In The Contract For 2008, Me Personally, Being Out Of 064, I Wanna See Single Line Seniority!!! I Know I Want, But I Like To "fantasize", Lol!!! Give Me Your Thoughts On This People...
I would like to see insurance coverage for casuals as well as coverage for fulltime employees on layoff. Here in the south our casuals do not get insurance at all and our laidoff employees must work two days a week to have coverage for that week. The problem is that if they do get to work the two days it is usually at the end of week when it is to late to use the insurance (Friday and Saturday). I would also like to see better language (rules) on subcontracting and no subcontracting at all with employees on layoff. Better language on seniority within classification would be a definate plus as well. I can go on and on about the changes I would like to see in the contract but most of them pertain to the Southern Region Supplement.
No overtime while men are on Layoff. No forced yard or City work. If you are bid to the dock and you don't want to drive you shouldn't have to. If they need drivers that bad, HIRE SOME!!
No excessive use of the interchangeable list. We have some people that are bid on the dock but they never see it. They either drive or work the yard everyday of the week.:chairshot:
Amen to the OT Harleydad! No offense to seniority, but I just had this conversation with our BA at the local meeting yesterday. Why hire people if you are not going to work them??? (this coming from the guy at the bottom..)

As far as the bennies go, you should get a copy of the Northern New England Benefit book. If we don't work enough hrs, we can still get coverage, but we have to pay in the difference for H&W contributions. Not a perfect system, but we don't get excluded from coverage. Put being laid off with receiving a huge pay-in bill from the Trust, and sometimes you wish you'd get clobbered over the head and make the hurt stop...;)
No overtime while men are on Layoff. No forced yard or City work. If you are bid to the dock and you don't want to drive you shouldn't have to. If they need drivers that bad, HIRE SOME!!
No excessive use of the interchangeable list. We have some people that are bid on the dock but they never see it. They either drive or work the yard everyday of the week.:chairshot:
I also agree with you on these issues. Here at 004 we get forced to hostle and to city runs as well. Why should a man be forced to do work that he did not bid? To make matters worse, at 004 a checker can be forced on a city run with junior checkers below him because the junior checker may not be CDL qualified. What happened to seniority in this case? No overtime while men are laidoff is an excellent idea as well as there is nothing more frustrating than a brother gobbling up overtime when you can't even get your 40 hours in.:chairshot:

I'd love to weigh in on subcontracting, but I would probably smash my computer trying. If I really wanted to haul ABF freight, I would have a better chance by working for their 'Marketing Partners' at our terminal. That freight still goes out the door while I sit at home waiting for the phone. "Not a direct service point" seems to be the line we get. Glad to have the opportunity to work for a successful company while sitting on the sidelines....:hide:
That coupled with the OT issue would almost get me working again:hysterical:
I almost forgot...it's time for me to go pray to the freight gods again...Anyone know a good rain song?
yeah, i know when i was on the road, i hated to get that call and hear, "chicago open", because you knew it was cedar rapids, or toledo, or something crazy to bed..
We definately need some clear language on the new PSE or RPM jobs. If we keep letting each local and the company work out the agreements then there are going to be so many different rules that it will be impossible to keep up with which would definately favor the company. So, I feel that we need clear language in the Master as well as the Supplements before it gets out of hand.
No overtime while men are on Layoff. No forced yard or City work. If you are bid to the dock and you don't want to drive you shouldn't have to. If they need drivers that bad, HIRE SOME!!
No excessive use of the interchangeable list. We have some people that are bid on the dock but they never see it. They either drive or work the yard everyday of the week.:chairshot:
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I would like to see insurance coverage for casuals as well as coverage for fulltime employees on layoff.

In my local casuals are treated just as regular list employees are. As long as they work the required hours they get the same coverage as a list man because the company pays the same hourly rate into H&W whether they are casual or not.
Since I wasn't around during the last negotiation, does anyone know why the OT issue was not included? Was it due to the CO or the membership. Seems to me that the CO would not have as much of a problem finding and keeping new help if they had language to help them keep bottom people working. Or maybe they just don't want to pay the extra H&W. I know the guys at the top probably don't want to hear that, but it would definitely help us little people at the bottom in the winter.
These rules are fairly uniform but these rules are different in different divisions. The way I read it in the Western Supplemental is if you sign a no overtime sheet they cannot force you over two hours unless you are on the street.

In our contract their is a clause that stipulates if the employer works 12 supplemental shifts while guys are on layoff, in a month they must call back one laid off employee.
These rules are fairly uniform but these rules are different in different divisions. The way I read it in the Western Supplemental is if you sign a no overtime sheet they cannot force you over two hours unless you are on the street.

In our contract their is a clause that stipulates if the employer works 12 supplemental shifts while guys are on layoff, in a month they must call back one laid off employee.

We need this language in the Carolina supplement bad. I don't understand why there is not just One Master Agreement for the entire company. Why so many confusing supplements? This allows too much you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours to be going on. It also allows for a whole lot of :butt kiss: to be going on.
Does anybody think that they will start observing the 34 hr. restart rule? I wouldn't mind getting that put in. Can anyone tell me why they don't recognize the rule.