TForce | 3 year progression raises???

Thanks sppollock
But I'm trying to figure out the progression for casuals hired before ratification of the contract.
Just like what callmecrazy posted for the local drivers.
There is a 3 yr pay scale that my Manager won't show me.
And it's not in the contract.
Our casuals with 3yrs + seniority are at $18.70 (top rate)while the other ones are getting paid less.

As a steward you have the right to request the paperwork your MGR. will not show you, keep in mind they cannot be paid any less then what is stated in the contract, My suggestion to you is to grieve the fact your TM will not allow access to paperwork in referance to represented employees and are unsure of thier payrate, and your TM is getting in the way of an investigation.

Then see how fast he produces the sheet, if not, the hall will get it .
Has anyone got to their last step and did they get all the money due. Where are we at on this issue. A lot of speculation out there.
Cool Cool

What about anyone that has reached 36 month step did they receive the top rate.
So after dealing with the reduction in progression raises, you did get to the top in 3 years good to know. Much is being spread around just trying to cut out the rumors.