TForce | 3 year progression raises???

Sounds good. When did you file, and how far are you into the progression?

We ran into this issue in NBR. Say you are at $18.05 per hour on June 22 and the Increase is on July 1st. You are now up to $18.37. You Receive the 32.5 increase on july 1st. Now your anniversary date is July 7th and the Next step is $18.45. On July 7th you will get the $18.45. You only get the raise for the amount of time in the progression step. So in this case I only received 1 week of the raise. The progressions rates were frozen so the increase does not apply to progression but only in whatever step you are in at the time. We have gone through this with the steward and the President of the local. There is nothing that can be done. We have fought our hardest. After the 3 years, then you receive all the raises. We were screwed.
ok, Im not going to cry over smaller progression wage increases, when they are still increases. That just means that the final increase is going to be a really big increase in one year. It is still more money in my pocket either way, 16 cents next week, 35 cents in Jan. and so on and so forth. This will be over next November, then I am at top wage.
Callmecrazy, you are correct. I just checked my paystub to be paid tommorrow and I have 5 different pay totals on it. dock old wage, hostler old wage, driver old wage, driver new wage, dock new wage. The 24 month new driver wage is 20.36 an hour. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for checking sppollock, My TM also showed me an e-mail yesterday from ups labor relations saying the formula i posted was the correct way to figure out your wage increases while in progression.
it seens that if you were entitled to a raise before the 7/1/08 cost of living raise then you received the progression. If you were entitled to a progression raise after 7/1/08 they are looking at the pre 4/6/08 pay scale and you only get 16cents not the 52 you were entitled to. A chicago drive has filled a complaint with the national labor board, our regional labor man says we are correct and does understand why corporate won't correct the problem.
The only thing that I can think of is that they are going to combine your Jan. 1st raise with your progression raise to get the 51 cent raise. That is the closest thing that makes any type of sense. 16 cents now and 35 cents on Jan. 1.
Looking for help: In June 08 I received my full progression raise. Dec. 1, 08 I only recd. .18 because they are looking at the 12/31/2007 pay scale. Can anyone tell me if since July 1, 2008 if they received the full raise. And what region you are in I am in Chicago.
Now we are being told it's out of the union hands and when 3 years comes up they will go to full rate nothing in between except the union raises.

Thats what I heard as well. Its just way the company can screw with the people that aren't at full rate. I hear about it all the time from our progression guys.
How can it be out of the Union's hands or is this another one of those clauses that is open to interpretation?

I am told by our city drivers here in CGO that the same thing has happened to them. That the raises were frozen when the union came in. One of the city drivers out of CGO went to the NLRB. They had a hearing with three UPS lawyers...the NLRB lost. I am told by the city drivers that in one particular raise they were supposed to get $.52 an hour, they only got $.18 an hour. So it looks like the company has won on this one. I haven't heard any road drivers complain yet.
The way that it was explained to me, is that we will get our .52/hr every six monthes, if you include the bi-yearly raises. .35 on Jan. 1 and .17 on next anniversery date. .35 on July 1 and .17 on next anniversery date. On your three year we will be bumped up to full pay. Look at post #17 of this thread and add the current pay increase from Jan. 1 to the totals, and that will help you out the most.
I know drivers hired prior to ratification that were in progression qualify.
Drivers hired after ratification get on the 5 year 2013 contract plan.

What exactly is the raise schedule for some one hired after the contract was signed.

I started at $15.05, went to $16.13 after 45 days and by looking at the contract it looks like I only get one raise a year for the next three years till I hit the top rate.

Is That correct?
Yes you are correct for someone who started after the contract. You will receive your raise on your one, two year anniversary and on your third you will go to top pay.
Yes you are correct for someone who started after the contract. You will receive your raise on your one, two year anniversary and on your third you will go to top pay.

OK thanks.

I know what the top hourly rate is but what is the top Mileage rate.

Looks like in year three for me,(2011) it goes from .48 to .50. Is that right?

I thought the top rate was .54 now.
Hope this helps a little got this from my TM would'nt let me make a copy but let me write it down. Pay scale for drivers in progression effective June 29, 2008

Start - 18.27
6 mos- 18.79
12mos- 19.31
18mos- 19.84
24mos- 20.36
30mos- 20.88
36mos- whatever top rate is when you have your 3 yrs in.

Heres where it gets a little fuzzy and were waiting for clarification. I'll use the 18 month rate as an example since we have 6 guys at our barn who hit it within the last week.

Nov 4 2008- 18 mos rate= 19.84
Jan 2009 contract raise= .35
January rate = 20.19
May 4 2009 24mos rate = 20.36
to figure out your raise subtract 20.19 (your current rate)
from what the 24 mos rate is 20.36 ( current 24mos rate)
so you only get a .17 cent raise on your 24 mos to bring you to 20.36. its confusing as hell but we believe this is how its going to work.
so now your at 20.36 and along comes the july contract raise.
Current rate 20.36
contract raise .35
july rate 20.71
30 mos rate 20.88 and so on until you hit 36 mos than you jump to whatever top rate is in the contract at that time.
hope this helps a little as soon as i get confirmation i will let everyone know. Guess the upside is 4 raises a year

This post is very helpful explaining the drivers 3 year progression.
Can anyone explain the part time dockworkers (w/o CDL) progression.
We have some guys making $18.70 per hour and I'm trying to figure out how they got it.
What is the 3 yr progression for them?
Nothing in the contract shows these progression rates.
Article 26
SECTION 3. Casual Employees

c. Casual employees hired after ratification of this Agreement shall be paid in accordance with the following:
Start 70%
Twelve (12) months 80%
Twenty-four (24) months 90%
Thirty-six (36) months Top Rate
The “Top Rate” referred to in the above schedule shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). Once a casual employee completes that progression, he/she shall be eligible thereafter to begin receiving the hourly wage increases set forth in paragraph a. above. A casual employee who is awarded a full-time job shall begin the full-time progression at the seniority rate if his/her rate is below the seniority rate of the new full-time job. If a casual employee’s rate is higher than the seniority rate of the new job, he/she will be red circled until such time as the calculated progression rate exceeds the employee’s rate.

starting rate is 10.50
12.00 after 12 monthes
13.50 after 24 monthes
then 15.00 after 36 monthes.

This is for casual.

Start $14.63
Seniority $15.68
Twelve (12) months $16.72
Twenty-four (24) months $18.81
Thirty-six (36) months Top Rate

This is for full time dock, jockey or helper
Thanks sppollock
But I'm trying to figure out the progression for casuals hired before ratification of the contract.
Just like what callmecrazy posted for the local drivers.
There is a 3 yr pay scale that my Manager won't show me.
And it's not in the contract.
Our casuals with 3yrs + seniority are at $18.70 (top rate)while the other ones are getting paid less.