Yellow | 45 Days Later... and We're Still LOST...

alotta hostility here, everyone, inhale through nose, deeply. exhale through mouth. there now, is'nt that better?

I think we've reached the point of hyper ventilating in a few cases.

sumo said:
Actually it's an Aprilia and yes we are off topic :Rulz: , the mods should :sign0024: us for are insolence.

Isn't the thread about being lost? Certainly seems like there is no direction here. Carry on guys!!! :bananalama:
Time to swim

Right now, This company reminds me of the TV show "LOST." If you watch the show, you know that every week you watch hoping to find out something else that happened with the Oceanic 6. So you end up forming an idea of what's going on with the survivors but in the end, the Producers throw you another curveball and you are once again LOST. YRC is similar. We aren't doing anything but wondering if we shouldn't have left the Island if going back is really the right thing to do. I just think we are second guessing the second guessers but I have a real question and here it is...

My Question is this; Why, if we are "merged" together as one giant world class transportation company, are we not all using the New Pro Labels yet? None of YRC's shippers should be using an old Yellow pro or an old Roadway pro label. Our Drivers are the first in the line to see the freight picked up so they should be giving out books of pros to all of our shippers and telling them that this is the new label they need to use. Our sales people should also be on top of this problem too. IMHO I believe they have done a poor job of selling the Merger to our customers. If YRC were smart, they'd be hiring Sales Professionals instead of laying people off. When I would Peddle before the big merger/layoff, I'd grab books of Pro's before I even left the dispatch office. When I went to my pick up stops, I talked to the shippers and asked them if they had everything they needed to ship with us like BOL's, Pro Labels and most important, the phone numbers to call to schedule pick ups or if they had a problem. If they had an issue, I thought I could take care of, I'd help in any way I could. WE HAVE TO SELL OUR PRODUCT. All the P+D Drivers and Line Haul Drivers are the Flagships of the company and we have to prove it to our customers that we still know how to get the job done. I know that this is just one small thing but if we didn't take care of all the small things eventually all the big things will go away too.

my $0.02

The writing is on the wall, the island is sinking fast and Willy is already on safe ground and he don't care if we make it to shore !!!:shift:
No hard feelings Triplex.

As it turns out that the guy that called me stupid and ignorant, regular 342, is driving around in a Hyundai.


Might want to re-read that thread pal. My wife drives the Hyundai and I drive a gm (03 pontiac grand am to be exact).

:biglaugh: at your reading comprehension skills
Lets not let this get into a personnel attack on a man or his wife. That is against the rules as we enforce them. :busted_blue:

Yea, let's get rid of all managers, supervisors, salespeople, and all those other non-productive non-union dead weight! Everyone knows that drivers and dock people are perfectly capable of running this corporation properly - after all can't you see the quality of all the underutilized talent just by reading all their posts on these boards! Geez!! :hysterical:
47 teamsters-21 managers, maybe a few more managers doing personal business/ebay, drinking coffee, sending emails to people 10 feet away, would put this company over the top finacially. a 1 to 1 ratio would be ideal to achieve maximum productivity. then we could have 3 men in 1 trailer, all with over 10 hours in, 1 without a forklift, with 3 managers to get maximum bang for the buck.
we will always have management, ideally good management, not roaches afraid of the light of day, contributing only cost as parasites on the work being accomplished totally without their involvement or input. babysitters and guards they are usually, not managing anything but the
So if YRC=Lost on ABC, my question is this.....does Bill Zollars=Ben Linus???? Who is John Lock??? Anybody see Dr. Juliet running around their terminal, she's HAWT!!!!
Kinda makes you wonder if they want to keep enough management around to manage an entire new crew of workers after the Teamsters are gone and the company name has changed.
47 teamsters-21 managers, maybe a few more managers doing personal business/ebay, drinking coffee, sending emails to people 10 feet away, would put this company over the top finacially. a 1 to 1 ratio would be ideal to achieve maximum productivity. then we could have 3 men in 1 trailer, all with over 10 hours in, 1 without a forklift, with 3 managers to get maximum bang for the buck.
we will always have management, ideally good management, not roaches afraid of the light of day, contributing only cost as parasites on the work being accomplished totally without their involvement or input. babysitters and guards they are usually, not managing anything but the

Seems to me that in the merger, we basically contracted the companies by 75%. In other words, for every 100 Yellow plus 100 Roadway teamsters, we KEPT 125.

Seems logical to have SOME cuts in the sales force. But if not for them, how could YRC, the "Genuine Heavyweight Experts", keep finding all of this Residential delivery trash. Nothing like high effort, high claim, low revenue freight to rake in the $$$$$$.
You should wake up

I don't come here to hold you hand and make sure people feel welcome. You were called that for a reason because you obviously have no clue. NO, they are not cutting sales jobs right now because our freight levels are down 29%. Why on earth would you go cut the jobs of those people who are responsible for getting us freight. I have no patience for the ignorant.

During this recession, 99% of shippers only care about pricing. Most freight that we pick up is coming from distribution warehouses, etc. We don't need salespeople to coddle them, take them out to lunch, etc., we need the cheapest rates period. End of story. The pricing for that is controlled by corporate. Cut out the middle men of sales, and give the customer the cheapest rate we can afford.
During this recession, 99% of shippers only care about pricing. Most freight that we pick up is coming from distribution warehouses, etc. We don't need salespeople to coddle them, take them out to lunch, etc., we need the cheapest rates period. End of story. The pricing for that is controlled by corporate. Cut out the middle men of sales, and give the customer the cheapest rate we can afford.

LOL. Cut the sales jobs and discount the freight even more. Yeaaaa, I'm sure that would pay the bills. You must be a Yellow guy with that kind of idiocy. And I never said they should be coddling anyone. They should be busting their a$$ to try and land new cutomers and get the old ones back. Get a clue......
I don't come here to hold you hand and make sure people feel welcome. You were called that for a reason because you obviously have no clue. NO, they are not cutting sales jobs right now because our freight levels are down 29%. Why on earth would you go cut the jobs of those people who are responsible for getting us freight. I have no patience for the ignorant.
Don't EVER look in the mirror. :Duel:
So if YRC=Lost on ABC, my question is this.....does Bill Zollars=Ben Linus???? Who is John Lock??? Anybody see Dr. Juliet running around their terminal, she's HAWT!!!!

And the real estate that they're going to use as pension collateral is the island...the island that nobody can's lost.:duh::smilie_132:
i got dibs on the stroudsburg property it would make a great strip mall or better yet condos for the winter skiers