A truck driver apparently caught a police officer speeding and talking on his cell


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[h=1]Officer accused of speeding changes tune when he finds out he’s being recorded[/h]

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/f-dJgFdfl3I?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
well...i dunno....

a part of me say's the trucker should have just let it go, don't blow the horn. the cop could have told him to get out of the truck, and from there, God only knows what could have happened.

we are not cops, so unless an accident happened, where the cop could have been at fault, what good did it do to record the cop flying by, using his cell phone..??? would the trucker have sent a copy of the recording to the Chief of Police..???

or just post it on You Tube..??

we have all known for sometime now, cops are allowed to use devices others are not supposed to.

it's the way it is.
The guy is a douche looking for his 15 minutes. I learned a long time ago, don't poke the bear. All the **** these troopers put up with, let them speed a little.
this video has already been posted, if you took the time to read the various threads.
Police and EMS are exempt from cell phone hands-free laws. If you're thinking of pulling a bone-headed stunt like that trucker did, you might want to make sure you're in the right before you embark on your little quest.
**** the police and everybody who supports these pigs

i am not seeing this thread as a "support" for the cops, but rather the truck driver being an idiot and confronting him on his driving.

so let me ask you this....

your driving, your truck breaks down, on a cold snowy night, and you're freezing. a cop happens to be patrolling, and goes up to your truck to offer you assistance.

wouldn't you be happy to see that someone is actually trying to save your tail then..?????

somehow, i think you would change your tune that you sing to now....
As medic92 stated, there is no reason to bother the Police, Troopers, other judiciary officials as such action(s) usually result in activities not well received or needed, like Level 1 INSPECTIONS or possibly more stringent activities.

I see Police (City Kitty), Sheriff (County Mountie), Troopers (Full Grown Bears) and unmarked units (Plain [add color here] Wrappers) being driven in excess of posted speed limits in EVERY STATE I travel, and my response to their activities is "so what".


**** the police and everybody who supports these pigs

You would be the first to call them if you needed them! I'll bet Billy Big rigger was the star of the Airwaves that night on the CB telling everyone how he (Allegedly) showed the Trooper who's boss.
willing to bet he didnt shut his mouth at the Truckem up stop either about it. If i was a cop i would have went WAY OUT of my Way to delay the crap out of him. Trust me, you will never know
when your time comes that you need that Speeding, phone using, laptop using Law enforcent Personel!
Everyone has an opinion,on this cop who can speed & use his cell phone simply because they can.

Here is my 2 cents,after 45 years in trucking this has always worked for me.
I never questioned the authorities.
9 times out of 10 they will search really hard to find a way to make you regret it.
The 1 time they don't find anything,they will take their sweet time looking for a way.
If you had just let it go,even traveling under the speed limit, you would have been well on the way to your destination.
What do they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely?

I'm always like, "yes officer, no officer..." sign the paper, give it to the lawyer, he's the one paid to argue, I don't argue good.

Though, I haven't had many citations, maybe a half dozen in my entire life, so I haven't paid a lot of lawyers.

They say 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

I imagine if the police wanted to abuse their authority, like so many believe, they could make my life a living hell for a short while, why give them a reason?

If it takes points, pay a lawyer, if not, pay the fine, cost of doing business.
I just saw this video on Yahoo news page,must be going viral.
Why this is a big news flash is beyond my understanding?

Most news travels,or dies because of the way the media spins it.
Perhaps the media is spinning this video to stir up John Q.Public,to insight an outcry against the cops to sell more news?

In my own car, I unknowingly went around an undercover police car because the person in the car was on their cellphone and driving very slow.
I beeped my horn and as soon as I passed the undercover car, the lights went on and I got pulled over.
The person. "that appeared to own the road, said I was driving dangerously. (I used my signals, dashed yellow lines etc.)

She asked me why I did that and I told her that I could see she was driving very slow for a few miles while distracted using a cellphone, which presented a danger.
She had the nerve to ask me "How do I know she was on the cellphone?" I told her I could see her from the side view mirror.
Than she says, "What if it was an emergency?" I told her police usually use their microphone and If it was a personal emergency I would have pulled over and I also saw that she was smiling and laughing.

She took my license, came back after 10 minutes and said, "Enjoy the rest of your day"