ABF | Arkansas Best Corp Rating Increased to Neutral at Zacks (ABFS)


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Zacks upgraded shares of Arkansas Best Corp (NASDAQ: ABFS) from an underperform rating to a neutral rating in a research report sent to investors on Friday morning. The firm currently has $11.80 price target on the stock.

A number of other firms have also recently commented on ABFS. Analysts at Stifel Nicolaus downgraded shares of Arkansas Best Corp from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research note to investors on Thursday, January 31st. Analysts at Bank of America upgraded shares of Arkansas Best Corp to a buy rating in a research note to investors on Wednesday, January 30th.

Two analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, one has given an overweight rating, thirteen have assigned a hold rating, and two have given a sell rating to the company’s stock. The company has an average rating of hold and an average price target of $11.14.........................

Arkansas Best Corp Rating Increased to Neutral at Zacks (ABFS) | Daily Political