Holland | August 705 Meetings


What are the requirements for placing a Local in Trusteeship? What misappropriations would or have triggered that? The 705 isn't part of the NMFA. We don't vote on it, never have. We negotiate independant of the NMFA.
See my point?

Local 705 is not a separate entity it's an affiliate of the IBT and they can place 705 in trusteeship if they feel a bargaining agreement is not being
negotiated in good faith by the local for the good of the whole.

Affiliate-- To take in as a member or branch. ( Webster's )

Rumour has it that IBT told S.P. at 705 if he did not allow the IBT to come in and get the UPS contract settled that the IBT would place 705 in trusteeship and suddenly there is a T.A. with UPS...assuming that to be true, one could conclude that T.J. or T.K. observing the negs with TMI is a pre-cursor to the same tactics regarding the freight agreement... brothers and sisters at 705, you may want to prepare to have the NMFA (or something very similar) shoved down your throats... in any event good luck...

From what is being said the Sec Tres went around the negotiating committee to get the UPS contract done it was always his desire to negotiate a Ups Contract since that is where he originated from , don't know if that is absolute but the neg. board was not to happy with the tactic from what I understand.