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By the way, I am not happy with this casual deal either, and as a previous post stated, this has been going on in NC for a long time.. NC is a very Non-Union state. The people here need a real dose of Unionism to see what they could have, and no matter how hard some of us get on them and try to tell them, they don't listen.
In a previous post, it was stated that we need to go to our Locals meetings and stress our displeasures, YOU are right. BUt by saying to get off the computer and not complaing on this is not totally wrong. This medium give us (Union Members) the ability to compare how our barns and what we can do to change and all get on the same page. A stronger and more United workforce is what is needed at this time. A little complaining can be good as it allows people to see how different places have drastically different work rules and can maybe give ideas on how to deal with these situations through experience.
Ricco66, I didn't say to get off the computer anywhere in my post, but I did say the place to complain is at the Union Hall If you want to change something that is wrong.
Jv, Those are just the words that I chose, and I agree with you 110%. My feeling here is that too many people get on this thing and beetch and moan but will never say or do anything when they should. Without ever speaking up to your Local officers they will never know anything is wrong, and many never think that anything is wrong anyway. Too many of our officials are so out of touch with the jobs that all of us do, that all they know is how to sidestep complaints and to listen to the companies tell them what to do.