ODFL | Finally got line haul


TB Lurker
Well, I've been looking to go line since I started back in September. They posted up a position last week looking for 2 guys and I was able to snag one of them up which I was surprised about being very low on the seniority board.

Going to be a wild driver and am excited about getting out of P&D (couldn't take these unrealistic customers anymore) and being able to check out all the runs we have.

Was supposed to work P&D today but got a call not to come in and call my line haul manager at 8 that I'll be starting tonight. Any advice, tips, tricks from you guys that have been doing it for a while? Maybe things you wish you would have known when you first started?

Well, I've been looking to go line since I started back in September. They posted up a position last week looking for 2 guys and I was able to snag one of them up which I was surprised about being very low on the seniority board.

Going to be a wild driver and am excited about getting out of P&D (couldn't take these unrealistic customers anymore) and being able to check out all the runs we have.

Was supposed to work P&D today but got a call not to come in and call my line haul manager at 8 that I'll be starting tonight. Any advice, tips, tricks from you guys that have been doing it for a while? Maybe things you wish you would have known when you first started?


Glad you're getting what you want... Biggest thing is when you get home (I'm assuming you're wild turn) sleep first before anything else... Don't go do this chore or that errand, no go home and SLEEP... Preferably for 7 hours. Then worry about a shower, unload the dishwasher, whatever. Second is if you get tired during a run, use that 30 minute break for a nap. Third, if you're covering a meet try to stop as little as possible getting to the meet point, don't hold the other guy up. Anything I'm missing guys??
Do good pre trip and post trip inspections. Leaving it for the next guy cost him more time then you getting it fixed when you notice it. Also like Song said, get your sleep. Running wild is hard on your body and mind. Try not to over eat on the road. Lots of light snackes are better then a big sandwich. Stay hydrated and get out and stretch.
Welcome to the dark side driver, hope it's everything your looking for.
Do good pre trip and post trip inspections. Leaving it for the next guy cost him more time then you getting it fixed when you notice it. Also like Song said, get your sleep. Running wild is hard on your body and mind. Try not to over eat on the road. Lots of light snackes are better then a big sandwich. Stay hydrated and get out and stretch.
Welcome to the dark side driver, hope it's everything your looking for.
Hey,Don't forget the Krispy Kreme Glazed Run before heading into work.lol
There are a lot of good information given to you so far.
Being that you are Wild out of PHX, are you getting a an assigned tractor?
Collect trip sheets to keep and know where you are going, this will also show mileage paid for that trip. Make a board to go between the seats to lay down, don't sleep sitting up or leaning back. If you get drowsy, find a exit ramp and go over to entrance side to rest, never on the exit ramp or shoulder. You can forget about rest areas they will be full at night and you may not be able to drive through. Get a CB, radio, satellite radio, GPS (these are all handy and tax deductible). Bring a cooler with extra water, no soda.
Do a really good PRETRIP, if something is wrong get it fixed or don't take it. Scale your trailers (maximum is 20,000lbs per axle or a gross of 80,000lbs). If over weight do not take it. Once rolling do not delay to a meet and greet. Call to your meet driver and see how they are doing (sometimes you can get meet point changed if meet driver is running late). At meet point check manifest, seal numbers and trailer numbers. Do a good inter trip inspection, don't let meet driver take off until done.
When returning back to Service Center, do a good post trip. If something is wrong write it up and try to get it fixed.
Will send you a private message.
There are a lot of good information given to you so far.
Being that you are Wild out of PHX, are you getting a an assigned tractor?
Collect trip sheets to keep and know where you are going, this will also show mileage paid for that trip. Make a board to go between the seats to lay down, don't sleep sitting up or leaning back. If you get drowsy, find a exit ramp and go over to entrance side to rest, never on the exit ramp or shoulder. You can forget about rest areas they will be full at night and you may not be able to drive through. Get a CB, radio, satellite radio, GPS (these are all handy and tax deductible). Bring a cooler with extra water, no soda.
Do a really good PRETRIP, if something is wrong get it fixed or don't take it. Scale your trailers (maximum is 20,000lbs per axle or a gross of 80,000lbs). If over weight do not take it. Once rolling do not delay to a meet and greet. Call to your meet driver and see how they are doing (sometimes you can get meet point changed if meet driver is running late). At meet point check manifest, seal numbers and trailer numbers. Do a good inter trip inspection, don't let meet driver take off until done.
When returning back to Service Center, do a good post trip. If something is wrong write it up and try to get it fixed.
Will send you a private message.

NEVER EVER EVER park ANYWHERE on an exit ramp, EITHER SIDE!!!! I have heard WAY too many drivers getting hit by an inadvertent driver while parked on a ramp, and guess what it's YOUR fault because you're in a no parking zone!! If anything, park in the car area of the rest area. I never have problems finding a place to park in the car section, and you can get in and out no problem, that's the best part about wiggle wagons, you can take 'em anywhere. Or park in the car section of the truck stop. I've done that many a time with no problems. But don't ever park on a ramp. EVER.
I'm a relatively new linehaul driver -- about 10 months now, and I agree that sleep has to be your #1 priority when you finish a shift.

And don't be shy about stopping and taking a nap if you get tired. Sometimes a 15-20 minute nap makes all the difference in the world. I found an app called pzizz that helps me. At this point, I can sleep about 29 minutes of my 30-minute break if I need to.
Tips: Wash the windows and leave the truck fueled up. That's a much more senior driver's truck that's run during the day.
Also: You see that little brush and dust pan in the driver side door? Pick it up, take a minute and sweep out your chip and sandwich crumbs off the floor. Just because it's not your truck don't mean you can make a mess.